sh?tpile of errors

  • Thread starter Bill Cunningham
  • Start date

Keith Thompson

Nick Keighley said:
google no longer has this particular problem

I know that Google Groups now does proper quoting. This appears to be
a different problem, an interaction between Google Groups and Outlook
Express, the newsreader that Bill is using.

Apparently if you use OE to post a followup to an article that was
posted to Google Groups, OE doesn't quote properly. Something called
"OE Quotefix" is supposed to correct this.

Richard Bos

Barry Schwarz said:
Two possibilities:

This is very true and YOU are wasting our time.

You are having more fun than we can imagine jerking us around and
WE are wasting our time.

No, one possibility: either Bill is lying or he isn't, it really doesn't
matter which, because you are wasting your time either way.


Keith Thompson

Geoff said:
Would anyone be interested in giving this a quick look. The compiler
gave me so many errors I don't know where to start. This is my first use of

At the risk of raising this necro-thread to new heights of ridicule, I
offer this observation.

Geoff, you're responding to an article from nearly two years ago. It
spawned a thread containing, according to Google Groups, 91 articles.

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