Thank you Austin!
I've found and tried out this one:
... <snip>
I had the same problem under WinXP in Germany.
My fix:
run the command "set HOME=%HOMEPATH%"
Then create a file in your HOMEPATH called .inputrc with this
"\M-[": "["
"\M-]": "]"
"\M-{": "{"
"\M-}": "}"
"\M-\\": "\\"
"\M-|": "|"
"\M-@": "@"
"\M-~": "~"
<snap> ...
This does not fully work with a danisk keyboard.
1) I have a few more characters where using Left-ALT is necessary.
I tried to add those, and succeeded except for "£".
2)In order to type "~" I have to type Left-ALT-~ + spacebar
(2 strokes) during "normal" keyboard operation.
Using IRB, I get one strange "grafic"-character followed by "~".
Same thing happens for "|".
I would like to know what the "patch" is actually doing?
And in what module?
But I can probably live with this for a while. Until I know so
much about Ruby that I can make up my mind about continuing.
Thanks again.
Regards Steffen
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