Jonathan just submitted a language feature request WRT to overloading
assignment, however, the standard is already at the balloting point so
it will not make the 2008 revision.
What has been added is a decimal notation for bit string literals
and a sizing indication.
signal CTPBitCnt : unsigned (14 downto 0) ; -- 15 bits
. . .
-- Representing 1 as a 15 bit object in either hex or decimal
CTPBitCnt <= 15D"1" ; -- Decimal notation
CTPBitCnt <= 15X"1" ; -- Hex notation
BTW, these are also in Accellera standard VHDL-2006-rev3.0, so
if your vendors were looking out for your interests, they would
have already should implemented these.
Make sure to submit these as bug/enhancement requests. This is important
as this is what lets them know the VHDL community wants the new features.
P.S. Did you grab the paper I referenced:
Yes, I looked at it. I especially like the comment at the bottom of
page 5
"Some think VHDL is difficult because of strong typing
Master the above simple rules and it is easy"
No, it is not "easy". It is cumbersome and crude. Strong typing is
not the problem, verbosity is! Strong typing may keep you from
screwing up certain things that novices might do, but VHDL is a clumsy
language. Just as you point out above, there are any number of ways
to make the language more succinct and readable, not to mention
helping to let my tendinitis heal. It is hard to imagine that it has
taken over 20 years for many of these simple ideas to be
Maybe I am being overly critical. Right now I am pretty ticked off
about the Lattice/Aldec tools I paid a kilobuck for. It won't even
let me make a test bench out of the file I wrote for another chip.
I have a mind to abandon VHDL so that I can use the open source
Verilog tools. It may be too late to use them on this design, but I
will look very hard at open source before I start my next design.