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Blake said:
What does [OT] stand for, and is the appropriate tagging to put it in=20
the subject? =20
Off-topic, either with respect to the mailing list, or to the thread.
Technically Not Proper (tm), but some of the more amusing derailings
(punfights, oldbie ramblings) are a nice diversion, and don't seem to be
bullied off.
Also, perhaps my post should have been in the Ruby on=20
Rails forum instead, since I am working on an ROR project, but I though= t=20
it was a general enough Ruby question, so I posted there.
As far as I know, the RoR forum is for questions related to the Rails
API (Where do I put partial templates, how do I connect different
ActiveRecord classes to different databases, that sort of questions.).
Questions that are "general enough" even if they happen to be in a RoR
context should indeed go here.
Cheers, and=20
thanks for the help. I think this is the most useful Ruby forum I've=20
come across.
This is the one gatewayed to the newsgroup and the mailing list (which,
I believe, came first), therefore The Big One, so you're most likely to
find the widest reception and the core Rubydom listening in.
David Vallner
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