Keith Thompson said:
I suspect I'm not the only one who's unclear on what distinction
you're making here. Can you clarify the difference between educating
and informing?
Certainly; or at least certainly I can try.
Suppose someone posted a query, "How can I write recursive
functions in C?" (In most cases the posting would have more
context than that, but here it's just the one question and
nothing else.) There are different kinds of answers one
might give in response.
One example: "All functions in C are (potentially)
recursive; just call a function in your call chain the same
way you would any other function."
Another example: "It's a good idea to put prototypes for
functions that call each other recursively into a header
file (or header files)."
Another example: "Any function may call itself; such a
function is directly recursive. A function foo may call a
function bar, that calls a function bas, that calls a
function xyzzy, and so forth, to eventually call foo again
while the original foo is in the middle of calling bar;
such a function foo is indirectly recursive. (A function
may be both directly recursive and indirectly recursive.)"
Another example: "When you say 'recursive', what do you
mean exactly?" (It turns out that what was being asked
about is expressions like f(g(x)) and h(h(y)), ie, not
really about recursion at all. A subsequent response can
then try to straighten out the problems.)
The examples are roughly monotonic with writing to inform
near the top and writing to educate near the bottom. None
of the answers is absolutely good or absolutely bad;
whether they are or not depends very much on what it is the
questioner understands and what he does not understand.
To say it another way: writing to inform is what you do
when you think the person understands the question he's
asking; writing to educate is what you do when you think
the person doesn't understand the question he's asking (or
maybe doesn't even know _what_ question he's asking). And
of course there are degrees and combinations of the two,
it's not always just one or the other.
So, even though what I've given is more of an extended
example than trying to define what each of the two terms
means, I hope this has helped answer your question.