When a user creates a bookmark, they expect it to bookmark the page.
In an page that is heavily updated dynamically using JavaScript the
user doesn't necessarily recognized when the full page transitions
occur. If a large portion or the focal portion of the page changes,
the user may equate that with a full page change. So in that case, the
user would expect the bookmark to preserve the state of the single
page web app.
That statement is not based on observable data. Clearly people do
expect the bookmark to preserve state.
What people? They must be very disappointed that bookmarks never did
that. As mentioned, cookies did. Not the average user knows what
either is. They can sometimes detect when somebody has broken their
browser though they likely won't know who to blame. I do.
At the very least the
developers of pages using URL hash-setting expect a bookmark to
preserve the state.
Isn't that what I said several times in this thread? Only the goofy
developers notice it and they are showing off for their similarly
sense-impaired colleagues. They may rationalize that they are
providing a more "intuitive" user experience, but that's classic
cognitive dissonance.
Again a statement not based on fact. With script, it works now in many
No, you seemingly misunderstand again (which seems impossible.)
Bookmarks have never preserved state. Period. You are looking at an
illusion you created and buying into it. Made up hashes are not
states. You are creating a new URI, which has only one state. That's
why you have to mess with window.location, which is an outrageously
ill-advised scheme given that cookies (and even SQL) are available to
preserve states, without creating any of the problems associated with
faux history entries.
I think the name calling detracts from any technical points you are
trying to make.
Who am I calling names? Everyone will have figure out for themselves
if that shoe fits. None of this is new, BTW. The idea has been
floated, sunk and branded as "script kiddie" (or simply "backwards"
might be more to the point.) Don't join *that* club.
In my opinion, you are way overestimating the user's understanding of
a strict definition of what a page change is and how to recognize one.
How many times are you going to make my point for me? My primary
argument is that the users have no idea what to expect. Why create an
illusion for people without expectations? I know any semi-Web-
literate user will not expect an image swap (e.g. slide show) to
create a new history entry.
With large sites like GMail and Facebook using URL hash-setting
navigation, user expectations are likely to change.
Change from nothing concrete to something else you can't pin down?
I'm telling you they don't know what they are looking at (and don't
And I'm still waiting for a real example. Obviously slide shows were
a bad choice. Thomas went with a botched tabbed dialog (ironic given
your article on creating a similar enhancement.) What is your idea
that demands messing with *my* browser history? I bet it will turn
out to need no such thing. There's just no way that an argument of
"users expect bookmarks to work" is ever going to fly (I sure as hell
wouldn't design something that breaks bookmarks and most users
wouldn't notice if I did.)