slightly OT: BUT NEEDs to be said



You are lumping "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", "Problem Child" and
"The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" together in one
message saying, "they all suck" (to some degree or another).

I lumped them together only saying I walked out on all three. An
historical fact.
If at any point you thought "Problem Child" was going to be good to
watch, either for you or your son, then you need a /serious/ parental
wakeup call. Watching 30 seconds of trailer when I was 10, was enough
to convince me that it was a worthless piece of crap, and I was part of
the core demographic.

One thing you, or at least I, learn as a parent is not to be too quick
to judge other people's parenting.

My son was not as perceptive as you. It was not my style to impose my
will, generally, on such matters. I did decide to make a stand on the
spot, and let him know I was offended enough to drag him out of there.

Good luck to you, as a parent. If its something you choose to
As an aside, have you bothered to see "...Holy Grail" since you walked
out of it, or have you damned it based on your impression of it while
you were "feeling particularly fragile"? Just curious.


But if it's any consolation, Faulty Towers is on my list of favorite
TV shows.
As for you not enjoying "Priscilla...", well, that is unfortunate.
However, the message was not that of tolerance, tolerance carries one
unfortunate meaning - you tolerate the kid on the airplane kicking your
seat. Perhaps you meant acceptance. And yes, there have been many
movies about non-heterosexual lifestyles made, some better, some worse.
The choices the writer/director made in regards to "Priscilla..." were
his to make, and again, it is unfortunate that you didn't enjoy the movie.

My wife is a great fan of gay culture, if it is fair to say that such
a thing exists. I was at Priscilla becasue she had already see it,
and insisted I go with her to see it. I guess I was protesting being
dragged there. It was not somehting I needed to see, was my
assessment, or my statement to her.

We survived the incident, you'll be happy to know.


A. Lloyd Flanagan

Dave Brueck said:
I remember that one time the user filters were suspected by some outsiders, and
Guido privately threatened to introduce mandatory curly braces around code
blocks if we as a group didn't convince people "on the outside" that the
filters didn't exist - hence the big conditional operator debate of '03. We
actually got assigned sides in that debate - didn't even get to pick them

OK, Dave, which side am I supposed to take on this one? I seem to
have missed the memo...

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