jacob navia
Le 21/09/10 20:26, Seebs a écrit :
Who is stuck?
Not me. People using this feature (I have never seen one) are stuck
then, unless they write a slightly more complicated software that cuts
lines at the right places.
I did. It took me several days at a customer site... That is why I hate
this misfeature. Customer complained that a syntax error was wrong and
my compiler was buggy. They wrote:
some_code (); // what is THIS???????/
The closing brace was ignored because the one line comment was extended
by an unintentional trigraph. The syntax error was 200 or so lines later.
Because you might be splitting ALL lines of code, and you don't want
to have to parse them to see whether or not they're comments.
I have never seen \ at end of line used by anything but mechanical
code processors.
And since existing installations are using trivial conversions to handle
line length limits in C implementations, we're stuck with those existing.
Who is stuck?
Not me. People using this feature (I have never seen one) are stuck
then, unless they write a slightly more complicated software that cuts
lines at the right places.
Is there actually any such bug in the real world? I mean, outside of
completely contrived test programs, has there EVER been a program which
was actually broken because someone had a "//" comment which was
unintentionally continued by a \ at the end of the line?
I've never seen one.
I did. It took me several days at a customer site... That is why I hate
this misfeature. Customer complained that a syntax error was wrong and
my compiler was buggy. They wrote:
some_code (); // what is THIS???????/
The closing brace was ignored because the one line comment was extended
by an unintentional trigraph. The syntax error was 200 or so lines later.