Ed Mullen said:
Your replies are getting both oddly indecipherable and irrelevant.
This below copied from your websites home-page, does not copy
with your attitute shown in your two last threads here. When you're
not capable to decipher humour unless what is issued by yourself.
Not either have the technical skils to know whats acceptable css-style
design techniques. You should defer playing false like your do with your
statement copied from your website and presented below.
All in all I realize, I made a mistake starting my intented helpfull
with you. Rather, you now have been shown yourself as being an idiot.
Which besides your lack of other than a self-concentric based understanding
of humour, moreover proves via use of unbelieveable messy css-styles,
displaying your websites pages with kinda errors, kinda errors that
normally belongs in the category of errors made by novices. Yet asking
for help. Then afterwards all in a sudden starts throwing "Drones".
I AM afraid of americans. I long had a feeling, that human descendents
sometimes out in future will get in real trouble with US.
From your websites index page:
F A Q - (The Web police made me do this!)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you find something here that doesn't work, is misspelled, annoys you,causes global warming, whatever, please do write to me and let me know.>> --> Ed Mullen>
http://edmullen.net/> It's not the pace of life that concerns me, it's the sudden stop at theend.