Le 12/2/08 12:56 AM, David Mark a écrit :
Next time you'll give the correct url :
You are a complete and utter prat.
"prat" is not in my dictionnaries.
I can't see the phone number either and I am using IE7 on a 60"
monitor. See above.
In your file : /Replikit/Top.html
change :
<table width="1125px" (which is not correct anyway)
by :
<table width="100%" (to get the table adapted to viewport width)
As you seem to want to alight you files, you could begin with your CSS,
then continue with your HTML.
ie, in your page : shop_by_category.php?category_id=67
you don't need to do :
<Table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="3">
<td class="menublock"><b>Part #:</b></td>
<td class="menublock"><b>Picture:</b></td>
<TD class="menublock" ><b>Item</b></td>
<TD class = "menublock"><b>Stock</b></TD>
<TD class="menublock"><b> Price</b></td>
it would be enough to do (and suppressing the inutile bold tags):
<Table class="menublock"
width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="3">
<th>Part #:</th>
In following rows of this table, I do not understand why you need :
- span (if it is for the class, the TD can receive it)
- onmouseBlah whom alone object is to style the link
Anyway no classes s1, s2, s3 are needed at all.
At least : you'll gain 10 to 20% weight.
(and without TABLE probably 10% more)
I pass on the 26 errors of html that Tidy shown me.