Split the newsgroup.


Mark McIntyre

This newsgroup is unmoderated, but
there are a number of individuals who seem to be interested in moderating it
by declaring everything off-topic.


You don't grasp the differnce between moderation and topicality.
Moderation is the act of censorship. Topicality is the purpose of the

The regulars here don't want the group moderated, some poor sod who
has to validate every single post, personal opinion filtering

On the other hand, you don't like the topic of the group, and want to
change it. Disguising it as a moderation debate is at best
disingenuous, at worst deceitful.
If you're interested in filtering "off-topic" posts, a moderated group is the place to do it.

This remark is illogical, since moderation is not the same as topic
Mark McIntyre

Mark McIntyre

That's part of the point. There is nothing to discuss because some people
keep declaring everything off-topic.

No, we keep declaring off-topic stuff off topic.

Are you clinically thick? You seem to be unable to grasp the idea of a
Mark McIntyre

Keith Thompson

Mark McIntyre said:
On Sat, 04 Feb 2006 04:42:14 GMT, in comp.lang.c , "Rod Pemberton"

This group already exists. You're in it. You don't like it. Whats your

There's already comp.lang.learn.c-c++, which is a moderated group, so
how would adding an extra moribund moderated group benefit anyone?

Correction: comp.lang.c.moderated is moderated,
alt.comp.lang.learn.c-c++ is not.


Kenny McCormack said:
And as proof, I will point you to threads in the not too distant past
the question was asked: Is there anything (non-trivial) that you can do in
pure standard C? Some of the best minds (such as they are) on the ng,
struggled with this and eventually came up with a few scatterered
nothing significant, of course, but impressive nonetheless (that they
come up with anything).
Most real programs are not written entirely in ANSI C.
Most subroutines, including very non-trivial ones, can be, and often ought
to be.

C hasn't cracked the code reusue problem, but portability is an important

Kenny McCormack

cygwin questions would be welcome on comp.unix.programmer. Unlike here,
that is a reasonably polite forum.

Agreed. You will note that I sometimes go both ways on the topicality
thing. Moderation in all things, and all that. I believe in the concept,
but the implementation in c.l.c. is obviously nuts. It is, by the way,
basic human nature to always swing from one extreme to the other, rarely
stopping in the middle. The Nazis^H^H^H^H^Hregulars in this ng are no

Which is to say that, yes, in groups such as c.u.p., the Cygwin stuff is
obviously OT, but it tends to be tolerated. Because, as you say, it
(c.u.p.) is populated by reasonable people.
Let's stick to helping people with C questions and drop the insults,
they do nobody any favours.

Without them, this group would disappear in a puff of logic.


pemo said:
The 'them' - the people, or the insults?

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Without your reply and quoting of it, we wouldn't know he even
exists. 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.

"If you want to post a followup via groups.google.com, don't use
the broken "Reply" link at the bottom of the article. Click on
"show options" at the top of the article, then click on the
"Reply" at the bottom of the article headers." - Keith Thompson
More details at: <http://cfaj.freeshell.org/google/>
Also see <http://www.safalra.com/special/googlegroupsreply/>

Kenny McCormack

CBFalconer said:
Without your reply and quoting of it, we wouldn't know he even
exists. 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.

You know, if you just turned your computer off, you'd achieve the same end.
You would save a lot of money and everybody would be better off.

Al Balmer

It seems there is a strong division between those who want to take the group
to a higher level and those who are just learning. Perhaps, it's time to
split the newsgroup. I'd suggest the following:

comp.lang.c (unmoderated)
comp.lang.c.experts (moderated)
How about alt.comp.lang.learn.c-c++, which already exists? Go there.

Al Balmer

This is a good point.

No, it isn't, Questions about Cygwin, and many other variations of
*nix, are acceptable in comp.unix.programmer.

It's hard to predict what's considered topical on a newsgroup from the
name alone. That's why it's important to read any available FAQ,
charter, or welcome message, and to monitor a group for a while before
jumping in.

Michael Mair

Al said:
No, it isn't, Questions about Cygwin, and many other variations of
*nix, are acceptable in comp.unix.programmer.

It's hard to predict what's considered topical on a newsgroup from the
name alone. That's why it's important to read any available FAQ,
charter, or welcome message, and to monitor a group for a while before
jumping in.

I referred to "semi-topicality" which I thought was clear from the
context... :-/
And I pointed out that _real_ semi-topicality is not a problem in
clc (in my experience).


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