I hadn't intended to provide a single magical rule that was perfect in
isolation, after all. {chuckle}
Want some magick? You are stuck in wrong coordinate
system, like Newton. Stop thinking in terms of words and syntax
rules governing how to put them in correct order. Think
links (alinka). Think relations and revelation.
Words (symbols) have no meaning. None. They *are* empty.
If you want to infiltrate enemy ogranization the most
effective method is not drilling into individual agents,
but monitoring their communications (that is, relations).
If you aquire enough of those relations (and recursively,
but set some boundary unless you are Goddess and can
do anything you fancy) you don't even need to decrypt the
messages, unless you are bored. To destroy enemy
organization, mess with the relations. Agents (symbols,
words, punctuation marks...) are of no importance
whatsowherever. That is why a person, if immersed enough
in a alien language needs no dictinary day-to-day - if one does
need to check, it's not the meaning you are after -
it's definition, that is MORE SYMBOLS, so you can
augment MORE RELATIONS from unfamiliar context (SYMBOL
CLOUD, think quantum mechanics and particles) until
you actually GET the pointer to "meaning" and can call on it
(how to relate that
symbol to some other symbol mesh, you can still have
no idea what the hell fermion "means", but you can use it and
fail to be misunderstood unless you want to).
I have no idea how many "syntax errors" there are
in above paragraph - for the reason sublime, my total
lack of knowledge aboot rules of grammar for the
language used to convey meaning heretofore. HTH.
P.S. It makes me wonder, what 't bony "heretofore" word
"means" right now to you, Reader. Compose witty remarks if
it's a-kind funny miss-take, I enjoy my Self when people
smirk. Yes, I did stick-in a word possessing none of it's
meaning in my poor head. I must be mad? Or contrary-wise.
I'm not sure, to be frank with you a-like Frank
Herbert iff there was such word in usage "then". She
will compensate for that - any dictionary dug
up shall (she can't help it) explain in detail or else - she always does
that when I go at a genuine miracle in open source. It's
the game we play. I need some time, we make
a beatiful team... Prop me up with another
pill! A-musing...
I am the One. I am A vampire A-calling for your love! A.A!
I am the fire that burns within your blood. I am the One!!
No bars or chains can keep me from your bed! I am the One!
Nothing on earth can get me from your head! I am the One!!