sscanf and int64 in Win32 and Unix - different results?


Keith Thompson

Paul Mesken said:
I just take pleasure in that I was able to drag you into this for so
many off-topic posts, making you a kind of accomplice in my evil ploy.

There you have it. While you thought you were fighting me you were
actually a minion of mine. A mere instrument to bypass kill files, not
to mention a way to increase off topic volume (I'm not a filibuster
like Scott Nudds, I need accomplices).

A couple of things.

You're not nearly as amusing as you think you are. Just my opinion,
of course.

The behavior you describe above is known as trolling. It's considered
extraordinarily rude. It seems clear that you're being facetious, but
it's hard to tell how much truth there is behind what you intend to be
humor. If you really are, or intend to be, a deliberate troll, many
of the regulars will deal with your behavior by killfiling you. In
effect, they will see a newgroup in which you don't exist, because
it's better than one in which you do. I don't use a killfile myself,
but I keep an informal mental list of posters who aren't worth having
conversations with, and reply to them only to protect others from any
misinformation they might post. You are on the verge of joining that
list, which is a pity, because I've actually had some interesting
discussions with you.

And even if someone takes a troller's bait (as I've done myself on
occasion), that's no excuse for imposing your trolling on everyone

The choice is yours. If you want to participate in this group, feel
free to do so. If not, you can go away or you can be ignored.

It's obvious that the "rabid C priests" here like to stick up for each
other and show contempt to Assembly programmers ...

Not at all. There's nothing wrong with assembly programmers or
assembly language when used appropriately. It just doesn't happen to
be the topic of this newsgroup.

Paul Mesken

Paul Mesken said:
I just take pleasure in that I was able to drag you into this for so
many off-topic posts, making you a kind of accomplice in my evil ploy.

There you have it. While you thought you were fighting me you were
actually a minion of mine. A mere instrument to bypass kill files, not
to mention a way to increase off topic volume (I'm not a filibuster
like Scott Nudds, I need accomplices).

A couple of things.

You're not nearly as amusing as you think you are. Just my opinion,
of course.

One cannot please the whole world but at least I pleased myself ;-)
The behavior you describe above is known as trolling. It's considered
extraordinarily rude.

I agree, especially in this group. But so is name calling (but I don't
see anyone complaining about that, perhaps it's accepted behaviour) so
I just "returned the favor", the best way I know how. Rudeness simply
generates more rudeness, that's why I mentioned Steve Summit's article
about "grumpiness" in c.l.c. It deals with this phenomenon.
It seems clear that you're being facetious, but
it's hard to tell how much truth there is behind what you intend to be
humor. If you really are, or intend to be, a deliberate troll, many
of the regulars will deal with your behavior by killfiling you.

Many of the regulars are grumpy. I don't mind being killfiled by them
at all.

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