Trhee is, hvoewer, a pebrolm wtih rnonimaisdg the mddile lrtetes of ecah
wrod; you ibvarlaniy docseivr taht, ahtgluoh sorht wrdos are rltveaiely
smiple to prase, an ieertnnitsg and iiomftarvne Ueesnt alitcre will oeftn
cniaton much loengr words that are iaomnpalbcry mroe diilfufct to
dnagesnitle when you are perensted wtih cerrcot oeirndrg olny for the first
and last letrets of ecah wrod. As you mgiht be albe to dmnteiere from
ranedig this atclire, the aonmut of effort reriequd to tnalatrse a wrod
iranseces ditraalcamly wtih wrod ltngeh. Any wrod up to about fvie ltrtees
is slmpie eogunh, but the dltcufifiy isnrceeas srlpahy wtih the ceimpoxtly
of the ipnut. Three is no spimle sbtsuuttie for cearful, cercrot,
wtlirtew-len Esglinh. Tehre is no slveir beullt.
Hmm, them longer words ain't quite so easy.