How do you feel about promoting your library? With Fork, I found out
I don't have anything special planned. I certainly hope that those
who find it useful "digg" it (or whatever) for others to discover. My
primary purpose for writing it is eliminate the "there's nothing
better out there" excuse for aspiring application developers.
I don't think this will make it popular. I believe people want to use
I don't intend to expend any effort to make it popular. It will be or
it won't.
a library that many other people are using so they don't commit to
You start with a couple of users, then they tell two friends, who tell
two friends, etc. If the inherent virality of the Web fails to
promote what I consider a superior mousetrap, then we will likely be
overrun by mice in the future. I'm not too worried about it.
using a project and then the project dies. Hype works for building
If the project is well-documented and relatively future-proof (I need
to work on the former), then it will never die.
library popularity by building the necessary sense of momentum. I know
I don't plan to utilize dedicated evangelists, paid spokesmen or
shills. The project will have to build momentum on its own volition.
you will be using your code so it won't just up and die but other
people don't know that.
I will endeavor to ensure that people at least know that.
But resolving FORK_addListener is faster than resolving
FORK.addListener because FORK is global and then a property of FORK
must be found. If a local copy of the function is kept in some scope
then there is no difference.
That's true. But then you have to create an internal "shortcut"
reference for every function (not just those exposed as part of the
The MM_ functions are still out there going strong and unclobbered.
Next time I see one of those miserable things, I am going to clobber
it. But seriously, those are always the first things I crop out of
sites when performing a salvage operation. They are all worthless,
outdated nonsense.
Actually I think that FORK_addListener is less likely to be clobbered
than FORK. It's all a crap shoot with this single global namespace
But if you have hundreds of targets instead of one, then the
probability of collisions is increased. I do see your point that
"FORKINGLEAVETHISALONE" would be a less likely candidate for an
business. I'm just glad I don't inject my code into mashups with seven
libraries running simultaneously.
I think that goes without saying. But theoretically you should be
able to co-exist with most libraries.
I just posted it. You'll notice I changed the feature detection for
getElementsByTagName. I think that was the only feature test that made
me nervous because I was assuming the document.all fallback for '*'
Certainly the similar code in CWR doesn't make such an assumption. I
know the original version I wrote detected document.all.
tagName. Sure enough when I tested in Safari 1.0 the whole widget
crapped out. Safari 1.0 has getElementsByTagName, doesn't support '*',
and doesn't have the document.all fallback. It just goes to show that
In that case, you should get an invalid result back from getEBTN when
passing "*" for the tag. It is up to the application to deal with
that anomaly (i.e. bail out or abort from the start.) Personally, I
never query for "*" as I know that it is prone to errors and the
workaround is not universally available.
it really is necessary to test everything.
Why are you passing "*" to getEBTN anyway?
I have to read the article through a couple times while it is live.
Somehow little things pop out at me when I finally see it live.
I'll comment on it when I get a chance. Probably tomorrow.
By the way, the comments in the feature detection article really show
how little people know about the topic. I removed the comment thread
about c.l.js from that article because I really don't want a flame war
on my blog. That is the beauty of moderation. It would be awful to
have moderation in c.l.js (even though people could be friendlier) but
on my blog I just don't want to have that going on.
Do you mean the person who commented twice in a row with virtually the
same sentiment about rude behavior? How rude was that?
When I write an article I think might interest others I email the
ajaxians and tell them about it. I think I've done this four times.
The Ajaxians have landed?! Are they friendly?
They have a news email link down in the right column ofhttp://ajaxians.com..
When they post something to their page that usually means 1500 to 2000
visitors to the article in a single day. Some people have mentioned my
articles on reddit and that usually sends 1000 to 1500 people per day
while it is on the front page. The articles that get linked these ways
also stay the most popular articles for ever after.
Do you add links to social bookmarking sites as well? They seem to be
a popular way of sharing resources. Personally, I have never even
signed onto one of them, but I may so I can "digg" my own pages. As
far as Website promotion goes, that's about the most effort I am
willing to expend.