Siemel Naran
jmoy said:Thanks everybody for your interest. To eliminate possible overhead
from std::string, I used char * (code below). But the gain is only
about 5%. Profiling shows that both in the earlier and latter versions
most of the time is taken by the function _Rb_tree::lower_bound which
is called by map::lower_bound (in the original case this is in turn
called by map:perator[]).
Take a look at lower_bound in tree.h (or some name like _tree.h or
stl_tree.h). It's pretty straightforward. Then compare it to your own
version and see what's different. Also, what does your profiler say about
functions that lower_bound calls, as maybe the bottleneck is here?
By the way my handcoded binary tree is extremely naive and I agree
that it will have a much worse worst case performance. But an average
case performance hit of 100% seems too high a cost for insurance.
Just to check whether the slowdown may be due to function call
overhead, I made my insert() an inline function. This actually led to
an increase in running time! Why might this be happening? Can it be
due to cache effects?
Maybe instruction page caching. But just a wild guess.
Instead of the code below, you could try tom_usenet's reading into a string
idea, which seems like it does the same thing, but looks simpler.
struct Cstring_less
bool operator()(const char *s, const char *t) const{
return strcmp(s,t)<0;
typedef std::map<const char *,long,Cstring_less> Map;
Map words;
const long maximum=std::numeric_limits<long>::max();
void insert(const char *s)
Map::iterator p=words.lower_bound(s);
if (p==words.end()||strcmp(p->first,s)!=0){//Not found
char *dup=new char[strlen(s)+1];
std:air<const char * const,long> tuple(dup,1L);
if (p->second<maximum)