Click? Yuck. If I wanted it, I've had environments where a single
keystroke (much better) compiled, linked and ran the resulting
app. Not in a fraction of a second, but that's sort of irrelevant to
the GUI/non-GUI question.
You don't have to click. A single keystroke (F9) does it too ;-)
Just that if you are testing for a hint appearing when you mouse over a button,
it's handier to move the cursor a coule of inches and click a Delphi IDE button
with the same hand than it is to go for F9. But either way works.
An integrated debugger that lets you step through your app and watch the visuals
happen as you step by various chunks or run to breakpoints etc is useful sometimes too.
You can also do totally command-line oriented, non-GUI stuff much as you'd do C, except
in object pascal. A minimal app:
[11:51] E:\UTIL\log>type hw.dpr
program Hw;
{$Apptype Console}
Writeln('Hello World');
[11:51] E:\UTIL\log>dcc32 hw.dpr
Delphi for Win32 Version 10.0 Copyright (c) 1983,97 Borland International
7 lines, 0.02 seconds, 10184 bytes code, 1377 bytes data.
[11:51] E:\UTIL\log>dir hw.*
Volume in drive E is Non-MS
Volume Serial Number is 3C7A-BC1A
Directory of E:\UTIL\log
05-12-14 11:47 73 hw.dpr
05-12-14 11:51 15,360 hw.exe
Bengt Richter