You rewrite the programme or you modify the compiler (if you have the
source) or you don't use it at all.
Sorry boss, I'm going to have to spend 5 man-years rewriting this
program for the customer who needs it on a new system. Hmm. Don't think
that will work. Nor would it have worked when I had a requirement to
demonstrate some code I was working on for an embedded system by
embedding it in another application on a Silicon Graphic workstation,
since I was *required* to use the same code, source was not available
for the compiler (and validating changes would be a problem) and the
requirement was not there at the start of the project. Fortunately, even
though I did not know C well back then I had kept pretty much to
standard C (I can think of two exceptions) it worked.
I don't doubt that there are good reasons for following the standard.
You asked
for a reason for *not* following the standard which I provided.
I didn't, and engineer where REH works did. Also, I don't consider,
"because the compiler supports some very useful extensions" to be a good
reason. "Because it can't be done in standard C" is a good reason, but
such code can generally be kept isolated so there is still no good
reason for the bulk of the code to not be standard C.
Flash Gordon, living in interesting times.
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