Andrew Poelstra said:
Perhaps you should. I've never seen an error Richard Heathfield made
that someone else caught (with the exception of Keith Thompson, who
seems to see everything),
Not so. I've been corrected on very many occasions. Less so in recent years,
I suppose, but only because I don't make quite so many blunders as I used
to. But I still make 'em from time to time, and I still welcome corrections
when I do.
simply because his clout in this group makes everyone assume he's right.
That doesn't even apply to Chris Torek, who has far more "clout" in this
group than I do (and rightly so).
I'm not suggesting that these links in particular are wrong, nor am I
suggesting that he makes errors on this group more than once in a blue
moon. I'm just saying that we should still be wary. ;-)
Right! So... if you're wary (as you should be), go and look, and do the
usual check for the obvious screw-ups. I'd be surprised if you find any,
but use your own eyes, not mine. (I'd also be surprised if you *didn't*
find at least one non-obvious screw-up, if you spend long enough looking.
After all, everyone's human...)
One of the tutorials, incidentally, is by Steve Summit, who needs no
introduction. The other is by Tom Torfs, who was a longstanding member of
this group until he disappeared in mysterious circumstances after asking a
question about C99's changes to the preprocessor spec. Missing, presumed
writing a C99 compiler.