There seem to be two kinds of predicates -- those which ask about what
an object is like, and those which ask about what it is; e.g:
obj.respond_to? :m # does obj respond to :m?
obj.include? item # does obj include item?
obj.all? { cond } # do all members of obj meet cond?
obj.is_a? Class # is obj a Class?
obj.instance_of? Class # is obj an instance of Class?
obj.nil? # is obj nil?
#start_with? seems to fit into the first category, and to be consistant
with the grammar of that category:
obj.start_with? 'string' # does obj start with 'string'?
an object is like, and those which ask about what it is; e.g:
obj.respond_to? :m # does obj respond to :m?
obj.include? item # does obj include item?
obj.all? { cond } # do all members of obj meet cond?
obj.is_a? Class # is obj a Class?
obj.instance_of? Class # is obj an instance of Class?
obj.nil? # is obj nil?
#start_with? seems to fit into the first category, and to be consistant
with the grammar of that category:
obj.start_with? 'string' # does obj start with 'string'?