StringIO proposal: add __iadd__


Tom Anderson

By all means, the C versions are welcome, I just don't want to lose the
Python versions either (and making them less readable by recoding them
in RPython would interfere with didactical use).

Is RPython really that bad? Lack of generators seems like the only serious
issue to me.

Unless we use Shed Skin to translate the RPython into C++. Or maybe we
could write the code in Pyrex, generate C from that for CPython, then have
a python script which strips out the type definitions to generate pure
python for PyPy.


Raymond Hettinger

[Raymond Hettinger]
[Paul Rubin]
Why would they need that?

StringIO objects have getvalue() but other
file-like objects don't. What's wrong with __iadd__ being another
StringIO-specific operation?

The getvalue() method isn't a synonym for another method in the file
object API. Its design capitalizes on properties unique to StringIO
(direct access to the full buffer without rewinding the file pointer).

In contrast, the __iadd__() method is a synonym for write(). Its use
cases are the same for both StringIO and file objects.

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