sam said:
so you mean i shouldn't take half of my grandmother's family
being wiped out personally ?
That's not what I said. You should take the *event* personally.
But relating every word uttered by every person as a statement
justifying that event is unreasonable.
wow , a word !!!! that really makes it all worth it...
You get a word, with an entry in the dictionary for an event
that happened to your ancestors, and that isn't enough?
Here's the entry from, which in this case is
channeling The American Heritage Dictionary:
1. Great destruction resulting in the extensive loss
of life, especially by fire.
a. Holocaust The genocide of European Jews and
others by the Nazis during World War II: “Israel
emerged from the Holocaust and is defined in relation
to that catastrophe” (Emanuel Litvinoff).
b. A massive slaughter: “an important document in
the so-far sketchy annals of the Cambodian
holocaust” (Rod Nordland).
3. A sacrificial offering that is consumed entirely by flames.
Note that the millions of Gentiles killed at or around the
same time get reduced to "others". Was their sacrifice
any less? Isn't it enough that your ancestors get singled
out for attention here? My point is that Slavs and Poles
and all the rest killed during WWII don't assume that
every reference to nazis justifies the Holocaust or any
other atrocity in history. And they lost just as many if not
more family members as any Jew.
and a state ? what kind of a state is it when terrorists are
blowing people up all the time ???
It's more of a state than the Palestinians have, for one. Are
you grateful for nothing?? But that's getting afar field. The
point is, I was not trying to make light of any atrocity in history,
nor to accuse someone of being a genocidal maniac. I was
merely equating Atilla with tyrrany, and I suspect I'm not the
only person who feels that way. His latest actions merely
reinforce that opinion.