Stuck with html and css

Mar 11, 2022
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On your index there is still 2 </div more than <div.

Anyway. Groove G and Johnsey Jones and so on, on your site seems to do exactly what you want for the dolphin. Why don't use that for your dolphin?

I mean the whole stuff is messed up to be honest. Looks like bootscrap or similar.
Jun 14, 2018
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On your index there is still 2 </div more than <div.

Anyway. Groove G and Johnsey Jones and so on, on your site seems to do exactly what you want for the dolphin. Why don't use that for your dolphin?

I mean the whole stuff is messed up to be honest. Looks like bootscrap or similar.
yes its bootstrap and i'm sticking with bootstrap
seems alot easier for me?
Jan 8, 2023
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  <div align="center">
    <div style="height: 40px; width: 300px; background-image: linear-gradient(+130deg, DarkTurquoise, DarkBlue); color: white;">
      <i class="fa-fw fas fa-snowflake"></i>Dolphin Of The Month!
  <div class="responsive">
    <div class="gallery">
      <img src="images/cute.jpg" alt="cute dolphin" width="140" height="123">

<p class="round3">
  <div align="right">
    <img src="images/image.jpg" alt="image" height="100px" width="100px">
  1. Added alt attributes to the img elements to provide a text alternative for the images.
  2. Added a class of round3 to the p element, but it's not clear what this class does or if it's used elsewhere in the code. It may be better to remove this class if it's not being used.
  3. Changed the width and height values for the images from 140 and 123 to 100px for both images to make the dimensions consistent.
Jul 12, 2020
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no matter what you do it's not going to fix it until strawbs rewrites the document and does away with the garbage!! view the source of you'll notice it begins with an HTML5 doctype but includes an HTML 4.01 Transitional one later in document. Plus there are multiple body tags, nested styles and scripts, text nodes like paragraph tags that do not even occur within the body but instead occur within the head (lower down in the code). What strawbs is seeing and claiming to be responsive code is garbage, but strawbs is stuck on using bootcrap instead of real html. What they are seeing are browsers in quirks mode trying to figure it out.
Last edited:
Jul 12, 2020
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Strawbs I know it seems like we're being hard on you, me especially, but we all want to help. You seem to want help, but don't want to do what's needed. It seems that this is just an internet radio station hub for you and your friends which doesn't require a multi-page website. So here's the deal, you can have everything you want on your site and more but you must forget everything you know or have been taught up to this point. That means scrapping everything in your HTML document and starting from scratch. No bootcrap, javascript, styles, nothing!! Nothing but a blank document.

IF you can do that
, listen to what you told and focus on what you need to, you could have a site you can be proud of and one worthy of the internet by the end of the week. One that you formatted and built by yourself, with a lil' guidance of course, and the others can help you make it more responsive. It's up to you!!!

One thing I'll need to know is your approx. age. This is for both of us, so I can monitor my language but not talk to you like your a child (if you're trally in your 30's)

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