Suggested coding style


Albert van der Horst

I still assert that contradiction is caused by narrow perspective.

By that I mean: just because an objects scope may not see a certain
condition, doesn't mean that condition is non-existant.

I also propose that just because something seems to contradict doesn't
mean it is false. Take for instance:

Look out your window. Is it daylight or night time? You may say it is
daylight or you may say it is night time. I would disagree that only
one of those conditions are true. Both conditions are true. Always. It
is only day (or night) for YOU. But the opposite DOES in fact exist on
the other side of the world at the same time.

This is a far cry from the bible stating that someone is his
own grand father. Or going to great length to prove that Jezus
(through Jozef) is a descendant of David. Then declaring it
a dogma that Jozef has nothing to do with it. (It being ...
well ... you know ...)

(I have this book, it is called "the amusing bible" with all
flippant and contradictory stuff pointed out by a French
1930 communist. Cartoons too. )

Groetjes Albert


DevPlayer  wrote:
Groetjes Albert wrote:
This is a far cry from the bible stating that someone is his
own grand father. Or going to great length to prove that Jezus
(through Jozef) is a descendant of David. Then declaring it
a dogma that Jozef has nothing to do with it.

Do you not see? For ...
One man's garbage is another man's treasure.
One man's delusion is another man's epiphany.
One man's untruth is another man's belief.
One man's thing to attack is another mans thing to shield and defend.
One man's logical undenighable truth is another man's small part of a
bigger picture.

As has been said for example does 1+1 = 2. Only in one small
persepective. Whaa? what wack job says stuff like that?
1+1 = 10. In the bigger picture there is more then one numberic base
besides decimal, such as binary. Or then one might say there are only
10 integer numbers from 0 to 9 or from 1 to 10 if you like. Again in
the limited view, true, but in the larger view no. The Elucid
numbering scale is not the only numbering scale ever invented, or
needed for that matter.
"Euclid's axioms seemed so intuitively obvious that any theorem proved
from them was deemed true in an absolute, often metaphysical, sense.
Today, however, many other self-consistent non-Euclidean geometries
are known, the first ones having been discovered in the early 19th
century. An implication of Einstein's theory of general relativity is
that Euclidean space is a good approximation to the properties of
physical space ..."

Groetjes Albert wrote:
(It being ... well ... you know ...)
Um... Huh? sorry didn't know what you meant. You got me on that one.
Ellipses just put my brain into recursive mode.

Groetjes Albert wrote:
(I have this book, it is called "the amusing bible" with all
flippant and contradictory stuff pointed out by a French
1930 communist. Cartoons too. )
I likely would find it very funny.

Economic growth -- being exponential -- ultimately falters.
How true indeed.

Steven D'Aprano

As has been said for example does 1+1 = 2. Only in one small
persepective. Whaa? what wack job says stuff like that? 1+1 = 10. In the
bigger picture there is more then one numberic base besides decimal,
such as binary.

That is no more deep and meaningful than the fact that while some people
say "one plus one equals two", others say "eins und eins gleich zwei",
some say "un et un fait deux" and some say "один и один дает два".
Regardless of whether you write two, zwei, два, δυο, 2 (in decimal), 10
(in binary), II (in Roman numerals) or even {0,1} using set theory
notation, the number remains the same, only the symbol we use to label it
is different.

Do not confuse the map for the territory.


That is no more deep and meaningful than the fact that while some people
say "one plus one equals two", others say "eins und eins gleich zwei",
some say "un et un fait deux" and some say "один и один дает два".
Regardless of whether you write two, zwei, два, δυο, 2 (in decimal), 10
(in binary), II (in Roman numerals) or even {0,1} using set theory
notation, the number remains the same, only the symbol we use to label it
is different.

Do not confuse the map for the territory.
Good point. But I disagree:

The symbol is not only used to label it. The symbol is used to put it
in context in reference to something else. "2" is a quantity in
decimal, but in binary, "2" is not a quantity nor is 01+01==10 equal
to "2" from withIN the binary perspective. Those symantics are
symbolic of concepts which are being equated to quantities OUTSIDE of
the binary perspective. True binary states, True + True does not equal
two True, correct?

Programmers use binary "math" to -represent- quantity. Here you are
arranging syntax to change meaning -out of scope-. The original
machine language notation inventors could have said in binary there is
no 1+1 they could have said "1 Jumps 1 means "A"", or "On repowers On
equals 5th gate in nand circuit".

To reitterate, I agree with you that it doesn't matter what symbology
you use if that symobology represents "same-stateness" -FROM a broader
perspective (i.e. scope). BUT in binary, in the narrow scope of binary
logic there is no "2". The available states are restrained to the
scope you place them, when WITHIN that scope. (using caps to try to be
clear and I don't intend to say you are wrong and I am right but to
say, I disagree because of this logic. Said differently I intend to
explain, not to demoralize or offend).

"1+1=10" is being viewed as 2 because of a larger world view is being
used, a broader perspective. Using broader concepts of numbers and
math which is a superset of a strictly binary system and is also a
superset of a decimal only view. Remember a computer does not function
with concepts of "2" or "a" or "15". Computers function in ons and
offs and "indeterminate" states. The binary representation of "10" to
a computer does not mean "2". That quantity representation is
something the human applies to that state.

Perhaps a differant analogy made by someone else. Many years ago, I've
studied the "The Fourth Dimension" a book based mostly on math by
Rudy Rucker. There are a few books with that name but this one is
algra based. It attempts to teach the reader to be able to view 4
dimensional objects using 3 dimensional and even 2 dimensional
translations of "mapped" objects - with a 4 dimensional view.

There are two popular schools of thought on this attempt. 1. It's
impossible or us to concieve of a 4 dimentional space objects within
our 3 dimentional senses and perceptions. and 2. We can conceive with
our mind-s eye 4 dimensional objects much like we concieve of 2
dimentional objects (the plane) and even harder one dimensional

The author attempts to teach by first using an analogy. First he
clarifies that for his purposes of 4 dimensional space, that no
dimension axis in his math singularly represents time or anything
ephemeral like the supernatural or energy or such. Each fo the 4
dimensions represent an axis in a physical vector. He then creates a 3
dimensional man who lives in a 3 dimensional world. This 3d man sees
up, down, north, south, east, west. And he can see a plane or even a
line. But the 3d man does not see the 4th axis because he is not made
of that vector and does not therefore have sensory to perceive that
axis. The author then goes on to show a 2d man does not see the 3rd
axis and then better explains how the 1d man can only "see" in left or
right directions. Following that story further, keeping to certain
assumptions about 1d space, puts the man in a binary world view, where
there is no "2", much like a computer. there is not "2" there is only
10, which TO YOU is a 2. but to the 1d man and the computer is a 10.

Of course when you try to limit someone's view to make a point about a
limited view it sounds rediculas. Supposition is often that way after
That is no more deep and meaningful than the fact that while some people
say "one plus one equals two", others say "eins und eins gleich zwei",
some say "un et un fait deux" and some say "один и один дает два".
Regardless of whether you write two, zwei, два, δυο, 2 (in decimal), 10
(in binary), II (in Roman numerals) or even {0,1} using set theory
notation, the number remains the same, only the symbol we use to label it
is different.

Also here you are talking about syntax as if it were symantics or
mnuemonics. Symbology is a superset of those three terms and they are
not entirely equivelent although -closely- knitted in function and
purpose. Context (=limited perspective) is revelent if not entirely
revelent when using symantics coupled with symbols. For example: One
man's war is a another man's liberation. Here the word symbol "war"
has different meanings for each man. The two smantics is to apply the
notion of war (fighting/killing) to the purpose of war (rebellion to
what is "good" (man1) to removal from what is "bad" (man2)).

Along with my notion of the "Duality of Nature", also puts around the
idea-almost-belief that "Everything is symantics". These two goofy
notions are tightly linked (at least in my musings).

Ever hear/read the term: "It's all good."? A reference to Karma and
how things will work out for the better in the end inspite of what you
see now... A great example of "Everything is Symantics".

Apart of that notion btw is that: No symbol completely and entirely
represents a thing, a person, a place, an idea completely and
accurately, only partially.

And symbology is very tied into "Relativity" (of perspective) (another
term I apply to "Duality of Nature" where in DoN there exists at least
two extreme but opposite states, in "Relativity" has something LIKE
extremes but they are vectors of state and not limited sets of state
with a infinite range. for example the infinite range of numbers
between 0 and 1 or 1 and 2. or for example where 0 and 1 are numeric
synbols of off state and on state - two opposite and partially
contradictory states. (Some say "None" is the opposite of a bool
state). btw for those in electronics fields know that on and off
states are mearly arbitary, chosen to be some function like 2 *square
of power for on. In electronics on off states there are infinite
levels of "on-ness" but only two points in that range are chosen to be
revelent (was that 75% power I forget).

And another weird notion to put forward. "2" as a numberic quantity by
itself is utterly meaningless. Two what? It's the "what" that is
revelent. I was going to go on to make some connection to "2" being a
representive of "instantation" of objects and the place and usage of
instances is meaningful but that chain of thought is just as windy as
all the hot air I just gushed.

Well. Hope you enjoyed my crazy. Later.


That is no more deep and meaningful than the fact that while some people
say "one plus one equals two", others say "eins und eins gleich zwei",
some say "un et un fait deux" and some say "один и один дает два".

Most of us say "un et un _font_ deux," in fact, because we know how to
conjugate as well as perform simple arithmetic.



DevPlayer said:
Ever hear/read the term: "It's all good."? A reference to Karma and
how things will work out for the better in the end inspite of what you
see now... A great example of "Everything is Symantics".

"Semantics". Also: nonsense. You're conflating an ethical system with
a _completely_ indepdent symbolic one via overloaded terminology.
That's pretty true of most of your rants, actually.
And another weird notion to put forward. "2" as a numberic quantity by
itself is utterly meaningless. Two what?

More nonsense. The whole field of number theory would like to dispute
this point. So would Python: i = 2. What exactly does i hold? Two


A belief that doesn't match reality is a delusion. That doesn't change
when someone thinks it's an epiphany: it's still a delusion.

Apparently there was some talk about removing delusional as a
classification from the DSM due to its definition being, in part, that
it was an _unshared_ belief (which seems to be a loophole for not
locking up the religious). With the advent of the internet, it's
almost impossible to _not_ find someone who agrees with you, no matter
how batshit crazy you might be :)


That is no more deep and meaningful than the fact that while some people
say "one plus one equals two", others say "eins und eins gleich zwei",
some say "un et un fait deux" and some say "один и один дает два".
Regardless of whether you write two, zwei, два, δυο, 2 (in decimal), 10
(in binary), II (in Roman numerals) or even {0,1} using set theory
notation, the number remains the same, only the symbol we use to label it
is different.

And Ben said:
A belief that doesn't match reality is a delusion. That doesn't change
when someone thinks it's an epiphany: it's still a delusion.
If a claim about reality doesn't actually match reality, it's untrue.
That doesn't change when someone believes it: it's still untrue, or
claims it's “part of a bigger pictureâ€.

These are classical platonist claims: In short objective reality
exists aside from the subjective perception of it.
Here is an extract from Gurevich's
Q: Still, most mathematicians are Platonists, is that right?
A: I think so.
Q: Somehow we independently grow to become Platonists.
A: I do not think it is always independent. To an extent, we learn the
I remember, in a geometry class, my teacher wanted to prove the
congruence of
two triangles. Let’s take a third triangle, she said, and I asked
where do triangles
come from. I worried that there may be no more triangles there. Those
were hard
times in Russia, and we were accustomed to shortages.
Q: What did she say?
A: She looked at me for a while and then said: “Shut upâ€. But
eventually I got
the idea that you don’t have to build a triangle when you need one;
all possible
triangles exist ahead of time.
Quantum physics would not exist if all physicists were as ****-sure of
objective reality.

Nor would computer science.

Heres a capsule history:
Kronecker and Cantor disagree on whether sets exist. K: Only numbers
exist. C: All manner of infinite sets exist
A generation later and continuing Hilbert and Brouwer disagree on what
constitutes a proof
A generation later Godel sets out to demolish Hilbert's formalist
Turing tries to demolish Godel. He does not succeed (Simple questions
turn out to be undecidable/non-computable.
However a side-effect of his attempts is... the computer

Python version:
The integers that exist in builtin type int exist somehow differently
from the integers in function nats
def nats():
.... n = -1
.... while True:
.... n +=1
.... yield n

which once again exist differently from the integers in range(10).

In short: To be a computer scientist (as against classical scientist)
is to know that "to exist" "to be true" "to be valid" are more real
valued than boolean predicates


Yes, that's the simplest explanation for the comparability of our
observations: there's one reality and we all inhabit it.

Not at all. It's because those physicists *are* sure that there is an
objective reality that they are able to form testable hypotheses about
it and come up with objective tests and make objectively-comparable
observations of objective reality to see which hypotheses are
objectively false.

It may be better to let the quantum physicists speak for themselves?


In classical physics science started from the belief - or should one
say from the illusion? - that we could describe the world or at least
parts of the world without any reference to ourselves.

This division (into object and rest of the world) is arbitrary and
historically a direct consequence of our scientific method; the use of
the classical concepts is finally a consequence of the general human
way of thinking. But this is already a reference to ourselves and in
so far our description is not completely objective.

Objectivity has become the first criterion for the value of any
scientific result... (and the Copenhagen interpretation of) quantum
theory corresponds to this ideal as far as possible.

Prasad, Ramit

I think you need to speak German fluently to be a good programmer.


Ramit Prasad | JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank | Currencies Technology
712 Main Street | Houston, TX 77002
work phone: 713 - 216 - 5423

This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and
conditions including on offers for the purchase or sale of
securities, accuracy and completeness of information, viruses,
confidentiality, legal privilege, and legalentity disclaimers,
available at

Chris Angelico

No, just Dutch :)

Whatever language it be, you do need to be competent in a human
language to be a good programmer. I speak only English of all human
languages (can comprehend a smattering of phrases in a few other
languages, but no fluency), and there are plenty of programmers who
speak only X for some other X, but you do need the skill of coalescing
thoughts into words. If nothing else, it makes everyone's lives easier
when you ask for help :)



Whatever language it be, you do need to be competent in a human
language to be a good programmer. I speak only English of all human
languages (can comprehend a smattering of phrases in a few other
languages, but no fluency), and there are plenty of programmers who
speak only X for some other X, but you do need the skill of coalescing
thoughts into words. If nothing else, it makes everyone's lives easier
when you ask for help :)


The American programmer would profit more from learning Latin than
from learning yet another programming language.

Edsger Dijkstra in "On the fact that the Atlantic Ocean has two

Chris Angelico

The American programmer would profit more from learning Latin than
from learning yet another programming language.

Edsger Dijkstra in "On the fact that the Atlantic Ocean has two

Expanding that quote:

A thorough study of one or more foreign languages makes one much more
conscious about one's own; because an excellent mastery of his native
tongue is one of the computing scientist's most vital assets, I often
feel that the American programmer would profit more from learning,
say, Latin than from learning yet another programming language.

The reason he recommends learning Latin is because it helps you master
English. One of the benefits (if you like, a blessing in a REALLY good
disguise) of being Australian is that we're forced to work
internationally in a way that Americans aren't. You can write a
program, even sell it and make your living off it, that never goes
outside the boundaries of the US of A. Here in Australia, that's not
really a viable option, which means our minds have to be able to 'skip
to Honolulu and back in two seconds' as a regular thing. Yes, we can
still restrict ourselves to English-speaking countries quite easily,
but there's the encouragement to support Europe, and extending from
there to the whole world.

Of course, not everyone takes advantage of the opportunity thus
afforded. There are still plenty of people who are ignorant of the
difference between a character and a byte, who assume or mandate one
date format, or who parse mailing addresses too strictly. But at least
we have a bit of impetus.

Which means it's more of a crime for an Aussie (or a European, for
that matter) to muck up like that than it is for an American. Blessing
or curse? Now I'm not even sure myself. :)


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