TAking the minimum of three values


Jirka Klaue

Carsten Hansen wrote:
Sorry. It is me being stupid. The macro I posted returns the median of the
three, not the minimum.
This one is much simpler.

#define min3(x, y, z) \
(((x) < (y)) ? (((z) < (x)) ? (z) : (x)) : (((z) < (y)) ? (z) : (y)))

I see. Seems to be pretty efficient now, too. :)


Peter Nilsson

Martin Ambuhl said:
Have you counted the number of evaluations of a or b this involves? There
is a good reason for preferring functions over defines.

Inline functions yes; but functions, in C, not always.

My problem was not realising that the OP cross posted. My Bad.

I was reading it in clc and concentrated on "Can someone please share
a #define macro or something..." in the OP's post.

[I really don't know why people using C++ also ask C groups for
solutions when the answers are highly likely to involve different
paradigms and/or language constructs.]

Anyway, my mistake...

FWIW, C99 has its own version of inline functions too.

Ron Natalie

Peter Nilsson said:
Given a typical definition of min(), that will not produce an efficient result.

#define min3(a,b,c) \
( (a) < (b) ? min(a,c) : min(b,c) )

The typical min is inlined to something like
a < b ? a : b

There's always two comparisons. Tests show no speed difference
between the two on my machine.

Arthur J. O'Dwyer

The typical min is inlined to something like
a < b ? a : b

There's always two comparisons. Tests show no speed difference
between the two on my machine.

Are you using functions, or macros? I'm sure that Peter
was referring to the use of macros, in C -- *not* C++, for
the benefit of those reading in c.l.c++.

So we have, without the usual parentheses since they'd just
clutter the example:

#define min(a,b) ((a < b)? a: b)

#define min3_inefficient(a,b,c) min(a, min(b, c))

#define min3_better(a,b,c) (a < b)? min(a, c): min(b, c)

min3_inefficient(X, Y, Z) becomes

min(X, ((Y < Z)? Y: Z))

((X < ((Y < Z)? Y: Z))? X: ((Y < Z)? Y: Z)))

min3_better(X, Y, Z) becomes

((X < Y)? ((X < Z)? X: Z): (Y < Z)? Y: Z)

In this case, even though both expansions contain the same
number of < and ? characters, the "inefficient" version has
poorer control flow -- three conditionals are evaluated
fully 2/3 of the time, whereas with the "better" version
only two conditionals are ever executed.

<C++ only>
With C++ template functions, of course, it doesn't matter
so much. But if you're interested in efficiency, why are
you using functions? ;-)


Irrwahn Grausewitz

Ben Pfaff said:
So any proposed solutions should work in both C and C++.

And one who is cross-posting complaints about off-topicality of
cross-posted replies to cross-posted questions should make clear
what the word "here" is referring to in this context.

Ron Natalie

Arthur J. O'Dwyer said:
Are you using functions, or macros? I'm sure that Peter
was referring to the use of macros, in C -- *not* C++, for
the benefit of those reading in c.l.c++.

I used inline functions. It's even worse if he used macros as
the expressions passed are possibly evaluated more than once.
In this case, even though both expansions contain the same
number of < and ? characters, the "inefficient" version has
poorer control flow -- three conditionals are evaluated
fully 2/3 of the time, whereas with the "better" version
only two conditionals are ever executed.

It's beyond me what you mean by that. Both times execute
the comparison twice, as a result the select. You can make
up your own idea of the cost of the flow between the two, but
as I said, it;s negligable. Both functions on the Sun compiler
take the same amount of time.
<C++ only>
With C++ template functions, of course, it doesn't matter
so much. But if you're interested in efficiency, why are
you using functions? ;-)

Templates have no bearing on this situation at all. You could
as easily code this as functions taking doubles without templates
and the answer would be the same.

Glen Herrmannsfeldt

Are you using functions, or macros? I'm sure that Peter
was referring to the use of macros, in C -- *not* C++, for
the benefit of those reading in c.l.c++.

So we have, without the usual parentheses since they'd just
clutter the example:

#define min(a,b) ((a < b)? a: b)

#define min3_inefficient(a,b,c) min(a, min(b, c))

#define min3_better(a,b,c) (a < b)? min(a, c): min(b, c)

min3_inefficient(X, Y, Z) becomes

min(X, ((Y < Z)? Y: Z))

((X < ((Y < Z)? Y: Z))? X: ((Y < Z)? Y: Z)))

min3_better(X, Y, Z) becomes

((X < Y)? ((X < Z)? X: Z): (Y < Z)? Y: Z)

In this case, even though both expansions contain the same
number of < and ? characters, the "inefficient" version has
poorer control flow -- three conditionals are evaluated
fully 2/3 of the time, whereas with the "better" version
only two conditionals are ever executed.

Good compilers do common subexpression elimination, and hopefully will
notice that (Y<Z) occurs twice.

In any hand optimization problem, the question is always what will the
compiler find at want won't it find.

-- glen

Arthur J. O'Dwyer

I used inline functions. It's even worse if he used macros as
the expressions passed are possibly evaluated more than once.

True; however, he did mention the *usual* definition of 'min',
which IME is more often than not as a macro.
It's beyond me what you mean by that. Both times execute
the comparison twice, as a result the select.

Brain fart? :)
Unsnipped from my previous post:

min3_inefficient(X, Y, Z) becomes
min(X, ((Y < Z)? Y: Z))
((X < ((Y < Z)? Y: Z))? X: ((Y < Z)? Y: Z)))

min3_better(X, Y, Z) becomes
((X < Y)? ((X < Z)? X: Z): (Y < Z)? Y: Z)

Suppose X is the least of the three... then
min3_inefficient compares Y to Z
then compares X to min(Y,Z)
min3_better compares X to Y
then compares X to Z

Suppose Y is the least of the three... then
min3_inefficient compares Y to Z
then compares X to Y
then compares Y to Z
min3_better compares X to Y
then compares Y to Z

Suppose Z is the least of the three... then
min3_inefficient compares Y to Z
then compares X to Z
then compares Y to Z
min3_better compares X to Y
then compares min(X,Y) to Z

See? min3_better makes exactly 2 comparisons in each case,
while min3_inefficient makes 3 comparisons fully 2/3 of the
time, as I said. Thus min3_inefficient *is* less efficient,
because it computes useless comparisons.

You can make
up your own idea of the cost of the flow between the two, but
as I said, it;s negligable. Both functions on the Sun compiler
take the same amount of time.

Try running them more than once.

(But before doing that, take a look at the generated machine
code. I would not be surprised if the GCC folks have optimized
this particular computation, so the Sun folks might have too.)

Templates have no bearing on this situation at all. You could
as easily code this as functions taking doubles without templates
and the answer would be the same.

....except in the case where you wanted to compare pointers.
Or C++ std::strings. Or 'long longs'. Or practically anything
that wasn't a double.

(Which, incidentally, is why the most common implementation of
'min' is as a macro -- because C macros can do things that C
functions can't.)


Ron Natalie

Arthur J. O'Dwyer said:
True; however, he did mention the *usual* definition of 'min',
which IME is more often than not as a macro.

Maybe it is in C, but it certainly IS NOT in C++.

See? min3_better makes exactly 2 comparisons in each case,
while min3_inefficient makes 3 comparisons fully 2/3 of the
time, as I said. Thus min3_inefficient *is* less efficient,
because it computes useless comparisons.

It is for the ugly macros, as I was saying, for inline functions it does
not need to generate a bogus third test.


Arthur said:
Are you using functions, or macros? I'm sure that Peter
was referring to the use of macros, in C -- *not* C++, for
the benefit of those reading in c.l.c++.

So we have, without the usual parentheses since they'd just
clutter the example:

#define min(a,b) ((a < b)? a: b)

It's illogical to remove required parentheses
and then insert extra one's that you like.
Minimally but correctly parenthesized:

#define min(a, b) ((b) > (a) ? a : (b))

Arthur J. O'Dwyer

[Removed c.l.c++ cross-post]

It's illogical to remove required parentheses
and then insert extra one's that you like.
Minimally but correctly parenthesized:

#define min(a, b) ((b) > (a) ? a : (b))

Well, the usual parentheses would just have cluttered the
example. (Remember, I was trying to display the control
flow succinctly, not show how nicely I could mimic the
preprocessor by hand!) I had originally removed the outer
parentheses as well, but then realized that that would
have produced an incorrect expansion. So I had to keep

Your version is indeed the correct way to parenthesize
the macro in the general case, although I'd throw an
extra pair of parentheses around the second 'a', too,
just for paranoia's sake.



Jirka said:
Irrwahn said:
Steve Zimmerman said:
Sona wrote:

I need to find a minimum of three float values [...]

Why not make use of the standard C library?
Code modified:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h> /* for fminf() */

Is this in C89, too? If not, the standard C library provides qsort.
It is not *that* efficient for 3 values, but in return it's scalable.

No, it's not. Taking the minimum of N values takes time proportional to
O(N). Sorting them takes O(Nlog(N)). Try:

#include <stdlib.h>

float fmin(size_t n, float *values) {
float min = values[0];
size_t i;
for(i = 1; i < n; i++){
if(values < min)
min = values;
return min

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