Ludovic said:
You seem to have mastered techniques to read faster than light
Do you believe that the document was unavailable before you posted the
link to it? In fairness, I'm not sure I'd read this exact version
previously though, so when I have a bit more time, I'll probably reread
it more carefully. Having Ada in the title doesn't _necessarily_ rule
out its containing useful information.
[ ... ]
The document does not assume any tools to exist; it does not even
mandate the use of any tools.
Sorry -- I probably should have said "techniques" rather than "tools",
though I _hope_ anybody using these techniques uses tools to do so --
I'm reasonably certain that on any more than a truly trivial system,
doing the job by hand would be exceptionally error prone.
In any case, the "problem" with aliasing isn't in safety per se, but in
verification. Better verification techniques might eliminate the
Likewise, it should be added that these techniques have problems with a
number of other perfectly valid and legitimate types of programming
that are not necessarily unsafe either.
All it says is that aliasing makes
"information flow analysis" and "symbolic execution" difficult. In
other words, it makes it more difficult to prove the correctness of
software. And provability of software is the single most important
concern in safety-critical applications.
I doubt that, but if it really was true, Ada should almost certainly be
avoided as well -- pure functional programming makes verification
_considerably_ easier (and only in part because eliminating assignments
eliminates the issue of aliasing).
In other application domains, of course, aliasing is not so frowned
upon. But this thread is about safety and, as others like Ioannis
have noted, safty does have a cost, e.g. in terms of flexibility.
I don't agree that safety necessarily has to have a cost in
flexibility. Certainly if Ada was the only way to achieve safety, the
cost would be extreme, but I remain convinced there are other ways.
In fact, much of language design is a matter of not merely balancing
the two (which Ada does reasonably well) but of finding real solutions
that allow flexibility without losing safety. Unfortunately, when Ada
was being designed, the two seem to have been seen as direct tradeoffs,
where increasing one necessarily reduced the other. In some cases, it
looks to me like flexibility was constricted on the simple assumption
that doing so _must_ improve safety, even if nobody knew how.