red floyd
Alberto said:1. Is Ada case-insensitive as Pascal? In that case, Ada==ADA
What does an Air Defense Artillery unit have to do with this?
Alberto said:1. Is Ada case-insensitive as Pascal? In that case, Ada==ADA
Ioannis Vranos said:How can this be done in Ada?
As it can be seen here, the bullet-proof high level facilities are used.![]()
Jerry said:The subject at hand was the use of C++ in the air traffic control
As such, X running on top of Windows and/or UNIX becomes relevant ONLY
when tied to the development of air traffic control software. This page
shows exactly that. A page only about X on Windows or UNIX would not.
Well, it's time for me to join the 'American Dentist Association vs
C++' flame war:
Alex R. Mosteo said:Boh, the flaming here has been pretty low. In fact I'm getting very
interesting info from both fronts and both languages.
With Ada aside (I find no reason why one should not learn it), C++ is a
powerful and systems programming language, and power implies painful low
level details. However it also provides all major high level facilities,
and if you stick in high level programming it is very safe, while it
maintains the maximum space and run-time efficiency principle.
C++ programmers will claim to their death that they are infallible and
everybody else isn't. However, none of them seem to understand how ignorant
they are...
The two camps are equally close to the truth.
xpyttl said:There are obviously two groups here. First, there are the Ada guys who seem
to think that modern C++ is the same language Dennis Ritchie invented 30
years ago. Then there are the C++ guys who view Ada as a sort of military
style Cobol.
The two camps are equally close to the truth.
Alex R. Mosteo said:Boh, the flaming here has been pretty low.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...In fact I'm getting very
interesting info from both fronts and both languages.
xpyttl said:And this is different from Ada programmers how?
There are obviously two groups here. First, there are the Ada guys who
seem to think that modern C++ is the same language Dennis Ritchie invented
years ago. Then there are the C++ guys who view Ada as a sort of military
style Cobol.
The two camps are equally close to the truth.
xpyttl said:And this is different from Ada programmers how?
Jim Rogers said:Yes you can. You can always program in your own checks manually.
The drawback of doing that is that you cannot simply turn them off
with a pragma, nor can the compiler so effectively optimize those
checks out of your program when they are unneeded.
So far, no C++ advocate seems to have said anything similar to what you
claim, but in a way you're probably right. If we depended on Ada to do
the job, the Internet (for one) would be drastically more secure,
though only because nobody used it!(<- explicit smiley for those
who seem to need them...)
Ed Falis said:Fortunately, it mostly hasn't been that bad as language debates go ;-)
- Ed
CTips said:- Usually the checks will be added every place they are needed, and then
the usual optimizations will be used to eliminate them. In other words,
if one adds the checks manually, the compiler should eliminate them
How easy is it to build an arena allocator in Ada?
Given a processor with load-word-locked and store-word-conditional, how
would I build an atomic increment function?
with Ada.Text_Io;
with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;
procedure Random_Fill is
type Rand_Values is range 0..10_000;
package My_Rand is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random(Rand_Values);
Seed : My_Rand.Generator;
subtype Index_Type is Natural range 1..1000;
Vec : array(Index_Type) of Rand_Values;
Found : Natural := 0;
My_Rand.Reset(Seed); -- seeds the random number generator
-- fill the array with random values in the range of 0
-- through 10,000
for I in Vec'range loop
Vec(I) := My_Rand.Random(Seed);
end loop;
-- finds first index where a value is less than 1000
for I in Vec'range loop
if Vec(I) < 1000 then
Found := I;
end if;
end loop;
if Found > 0 then
Ada.Text_Io.Put_Line("Number < 1000 found at index" &
Ada.Text_Io.Put_Line("No number < 1000 was found");
end if;
end Random_Fill;
xpyttl said:Then there are the C++ guys who view Ada as a sort of military
style Cobol.
Martin said:COBOL _was_ military...well Navy at least![]()
C++ features I would to have in Ada:
* The STL!!! (though I hear something similar is coming?)
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