Öö Tiib
Öö Tiib said:[...]> We discuss C++ here and so we use C++ object model where member
functions and data members are described by and belong to class and
are not objects or parts of objects. Types are not objects in C++,
functions and member functions are not objects in C++.
I think you misspoke here. Data members are parts of objects.Yes, i meant that the data member declarations are part of class and
can not be altered during program run by C++ language.
You mean the declarations cannot be altered, right? Of course the data
members themselves (the values stored in them) can be altered.
Yes the values of member subobjects and base subobjects can be
modified. C++ instructions are not data so you can not alter object's
type or function's behavior dynamically. There are other languages
that allow such run-time metaprogramming, but not C++.