Technology solutions for Ruby?

  • Thread starter Bruno Desthuilliers
  • Start date


[ Though the OP posted his message to comp.lang.ruby, I'm cross-
posting it to comp.lang.python, since he mentions Python as a possible
alternative he's looking at, and also because I've recommended Python
for his stated needs. Also, interested to see what other Pythonistas
have to say in response to my reply.
- Vasudev]
On Jul 16, 2007, at 2:21 AM, Michael Reiland wrote:
At the heart of the issue is the fact that I refuse to use Java for this
project, I prefer not to use .Net because of the portability issues,
I'd like to get away from C++ for obvious reasons.
To me this means Ruby, Python, or, as mentioned above, Perl. If anyone
can tell me of a way to meet the above requirements in either Python
Perl, I'm all ears (I just prefer Ruby).

Yes, I think it would be really great for the Ruby community and for
the growth of the language if wxRuby was more mature as a GUI toolkit.
(Not knocking the wxRuby developers at all, its great that they've
even done what they have - I know that creating other language (like
Ruby) bindings to a C++ lib is a non-trivial task).

My suggestion: Python + wxPython + Python DBI + (Py2Exe + InnoSetup)
*might* meet all your needs. (As with any decision about what software
technologies to use, you'll have to evaluate the suggested options to
see if they fit your needs.)

Note: I've used and like both Ruby and Python (saying this after using
many, though not all, language features and libraries of both
languages), and am not trying to discourage you from using Ruby for
your needs; its just that, based on your needs as described, it looks
to me as if Python meets them better than Ruby at present:
1. GUI - Native Look and Feel. According to wxRuby the bindings aren't
mature enough for production use. Does anyone have any experience
this and/or can you offer alternatives that provide a native look and
feel (I

I don't know enough about wxRuby to comment.

wxPython has this (Native Look and Feel), I think (used it some, a
while ago), not 100% sure, you can check on the site - http:/
- to make sure. The site does say that it is cross-platform:

"wxPython is a cross-platform toolkit. This means that the same
program will run on multiple platforms without modification. Currently
supported platforms are 32-bit Microsoft Windows, most Unix or unix-
like systems, and Macintosh OS X.

but that doesn't necessarily mean that it will have native look and
feel on all supported platforms. (The two are not the same thing.)
That's why you will need to check.

wxPython pros: Its fairly easy to learn, at least for simple GUI apps
(e.g. a few widgets / controls and a file dialog or two). I was able
to build these simple ones - see the code, article and screenshots
available here (or from links from here):

- in quite a short time, starting from zero knowledge of wxPython (I
did know some Python from before), just by looking at the sample apps,
and some reading of the docs.

See the quotes about wxPython:
2. Databases - contemplating using ActiveRecord, but I would like to use
ODBC to support multiple types of DB's in a uniform way (if you know
alternatives to ODBC or ActiveRecord, please let me know).

I think, but again, not sure, that Python DBI + appropriate database
drivers, may meet this need. Basically Python DBI is similar to ODBC
(roughly), and to Perl DBI + DBD, as I understand. There's also ODBC
support in the Win32 extensions package for Python - IIRC, Google for
'win32all' to get it. Its also available as a link from the Python for
Win32 MSI installer on
I've used Python ODBC some, it works and is easy to use.
See this for a simple example:

(See the second post at that page, titled "Publishing ODBC database
content as PDF
". The code shown in the post is not indented as per proper the Python
syntax (LiveJournal messed up the indentation), sorry about that, but
its trivial to correct if you know Python indenting rules). Also read
the Python ODBC docs and examples, of course.
3. Binary - Are there any utilities for compiling Ruby into a binary
executable? The issue is twofold, speed, and not handing the
the source :)

For Python, there is py2exe (for Windows only). I used py2exe recently
and it works well enough for the simple cases that I tried. (I tried
building EXEs for a simple Python hello-world program, and for a
simple wxPython GUI app based on my xtopdf toolkit. Both worked ok.)
For cross-platform (Windows and Linux, IIRC), there is PyInstaller
(Google for it), haven't tried it out yet, just downloaded it

I don't think you'll gain much speed by this compiling step, though
(over and above what Python gives you itself, when it compiles
your .py files to .pyc files). The purpose of py2exe is more to hide
the source code than to speed it up, as I understand (could be wrong).

Note: py2exe only creates an EXE and DLLs needed, from your source and
its required Python modules. To create an installer, try InnoSetup
(for Windows only). I recently tried it out, version 5, again, it
worked well. Could create Windows SETUP.EXE-type installers for the
two EXEs described above. Worked ok.

I first learned Python, have been using it for some time for various
projects, and then learned Ruby, and have done some projects with Ruby

I've been reading both the Ruby Cookbook and the Python Cookbook
rather thoroughly in the last few weeks (and trying out and modifying
many of the recipes), and what I've observed is that the two languages
are roughly similar in features. For basic features common to most
languages (constants, variables, arrays, hashes/dictionaries, file I/
O, classes, objects, modules/libraries, etc. - they work roughly in
the same fashion - though syntax obviously differs, you can mostly do
what you can in one of them, in the other as well. (Note that I'm not
talking about libraries here - this will obviously differ as each
language will have its own set of libraries for doing various tasks,
like networking and other areas - though even here there is a good
amount of overlap/similarity.)

For more advanced language features related to object-orientation,
metaclasses / metaprogramming, both have some support, but you might
or might not be able to do in one, what you can do in the other.

Vasudev Ram
PDF toolkit (in Python):


[ Though the OP posted his message to comp.lang.ruby, I'm cross-
posting it to comp.lang.python, since he mentions Python as a possible
alternative he's looking at, and also because I've recommended Python
for his stated needs. Also, interested to see what other Pythonistas
have to say in response to my reply.
- Vasudev]
On Jul 16, 2007, at 2:21 AM, Michael Reiland wrote:
At the heart of the issue is the fact that I refuse to use Java for this

project, I prefer not to use .Net because of the portability issues,
I'd like to get away from C++ for obvious reasons.
To me this means Ruby, Python, or, as mentioned above, Perl. If anyone

can tell me of a way to meet the above requirements in either Python
Perl, I'm all ears (I just prefer Ruby).

Yes, I think it would be really great for the Ruby community and for
the growth of the language if wxRuby was more mature as a GUI toolkit.
(Not knocking the wxRuby developers at all, its great that they've
even done what they have - I know that creating other language (like
Ruby) bindings to a C++ lib is a non-trivial task).

My suggestion: Python + wxPython + Python DBI + (Py2Exe + InnoSetup)
*might* meet all your needs. (As with any decision about what software
technologies to use, you'll have to evaluate the suggested options to
see if they fit your needs.)

Note: I've used and like both Ruby and Python (saying this after using
many, though not all, language features and libraries of both
languages), and am not trying to discourage you from using Ruby for
your needs; its just that, based on your needs as described, it looks
to me as if Python meets them better than Ruby at present:
1. GUI - Native Look and Feel. According to wxRuby the bindings aren't

mature enough for production use. Does anyone have any experience
this and/or can you offer alternatives that provide a native look and
feel (I

I don't know enough about wxRuby to comment.

wxPython has this (Native Look and Feel), I think (used it some, a
while ago), not 100% sure, you can check on the site - http:/
- to make sure. The site does say that it is cross-platform:

"wxPython is a cross-platform toolkit. This means that the same
program will run on multiple platforms without modification. Currently
supported platforms are 32-bit Microsoft Windows, most Unix or unix-
like systems, and Macintosh OS X.

but that doesn't necessarily mean that it will have native look and
feel on all supported platforms. (The two are not the same thing.)
That's why you will need to check.

wxPython pros: Its fairly easy to learn, at least for simple GUI apps
(e.g. a few widgets / controls and a file dialog or two). I was able
to build these simple ones - see the code, article and screenshots
available here (or from links from here):

- in quite a short time, starting from zero knowledge of wxPython (I
did know some Python from before), just by looking at the sample apps,
and some reading of the docs.

See the quotes about wxPython:
2. Databases - contemplating using ActiveRecord, but I would like to use

ODBC to support multiple types of DB's in a uniform way (if you know
alternatives to ODBC or ActiveRecord, please let me know).

I think, but again, not sure, that Python DBI + appropriate database
drivers, may meet this need. Basically Python DBI is similar to ODBC
(roughly), and to Perl DBI + DBD, as I understand. There's also ODBC
support in the Win32 extensions package for Python - IIRC, Google for
'win32all' to get it. Its also available as a link from the Python for
Win32 MSI installer on
I've used Python ODBC some, it works and is easy to use.
See this for a simple example:

(See the second post at that page, titled "Publishing ODBC database
content as PDF
". The code shown in the post is not indented as per proper the Python
syntax (LiveJournal messed up the indentation), sorry about that, but
its trivial to correct if you know Python indenting rules). Also read
the Python ODBC docs and examples, of course.
3. Binary - Are there any utilities for compiling Ruby into a binary

executable? The issue is twofold, speed, and not handing the
the source :)

For Python, there is py2exe (for Windows only). I used py2exe recently
and it works well enough for the simple cases that I tried. (I tried
building EXEs for a simple Python hello-world program, and for a
simple wxPython GUI app based on my xtopdf toolkit. Both worked ok.)
For cross-platform (Windows and Linux, IIRC), there is PyInstaller
(Google for it), haven't tried it out yet, just downloaded it

I don't think you'll gain much speed by this compiling step, though
(over and above what Python gives you itself, when it compiles
your .py files to .pyc files). The purpose of py2exe is more to hide
the source code than to speed it up, as I understand (could be wrong).

Note: py2exe only creates an EXE and DLLs needed, from your source and
its required Python modules. To create an installer, try InnoSetup
(for Windows only). I recently tried it out, version 5, again, it
worked well. Could create Windows SETUP.EXE-type installers for the
two EXEs described above. Worked ok.

I first learned Python, have been using it for some time for various
projects, and then learned Ruby, and have done some projects with Ruby

I've been reading both the Ruby Cookbook and the Python Cookbook
rather thoroughly in the last few weeks (and trying out and modifying
many of the recipes), and what I've observed is that the two languages
are roughly similar in features. For basic features common to most
languages (constants, variables, arrays, hashes/dictionaries, file I/
O, classes, objects, modules/libraries, etc. - they work roughly in
the same fashion - though syntax obviously differs, you can mostly do
what you can in one of them, in the other as well. (Note that I'm not
talking about libraries here - this will obviously differ as each
language will have its own set of libraries for doing various tasks,
like networking and other areas - though even here there is a good
amount of overlap/similarity.)

For more advanced language features related to object-orientation,
metaclasses / metaprogramming, both have some support, but you might
or might not be able to do in one, what you can do in the other.

Vasudev Ram
PDF toolkit (in Python):

P.S.: Some more thoughts:

If you'd really prefer to work in Ruby, but find after investigation,
that the wxPython recommendation I've made is worth pursuing, you
could check out this other approach:

- Write the GUI in Python + wxPython
- Write the rest of the app - the back end - in Ruby.
- Connect the two via any one of the following distributed computing
technology options:

- sockets (lowest level, more coding needed, need to create your
own proprietary, application-specific (though not necessarily very
difficult) "protocol" on top of the sockets layer

- XML-RPC (less coding than sockets, fairly easy to code with,
supports most/all basic scalar data types (string, int) of Python/
Ruby, also supports 'structs' and arrays. XML-RPC structs are not
really structs in the C sense, they more or less map to hashes/
dictionaries of Ruby/Python respectively. A Binary XML-RPC data type
is also available, it works by Base-64 encoding your binary data. Have
tried out this type as well as the simple scalar types, they work.
(E.g. I could generate a PDF file on the server in response to a
client method call, and send the PDF back to the client as the method
response, using the Binary data type.) In XML-RPC you can either use
the register_instance or register_function functions to register your
class's callable methods or your standalone callable functions so the
client can call them.
Each of these approaches (register_function vs. register_instance) has
its pros and cons - e.g. IIRC, you can register any number of
functions, but you can only register one instance of an object - so if
using this approach, you'd need to either a) have all your callable
code in one class, or make that one class a manager/controler class
that delegates to other classes to do the needed work.

- SOAP. Ruby's stdlib has SOAP support. Python has SOAPpy and a
few others, not sure whether those projects are active and supported
currently. You will need to check this out. Comments similar to those
for XML-RPC above.

- ICE from ZeroC - . This is like a lighter CORBA.
Some of the key developers are prior CORBA experts, like Michi Henning
who wrote a well-known C++/CORBA book. But check out the licenses for
ICE; IIRC, the open source version is under the GPL. You have to pay
for a commercial license.

ICE supports Python for both client and server, has Ruby support
(need to check if both client and server, or client only).

- HTTP calls. Use Webrick or Mongrel HTTP server libraries - you
can "mount" instances of classes into the HTTP servers that these
libraries allow you to create and run. (This is similar to Java
servlets running inside a Java servlet container.) "Call" the methods
of these instances from the Python + wxPython GUI front end via the
appropriate HTTP client library (urllib or urllib2 or httplib2) for
Python, open-uri for Ruby. I've checked this out (briefly), it works,
and is a neat and somewhat powerful technique, IMO. (What this implies
is that the client for your HTTP server, need not be a browser - it
can be a command-line or GUI client; and, though you're using HTTP,
you need not use HTML, and in particular, you need not render HTML in
your client; you can, for instance, use XML and generate/parse it at
either end.)



[ Though the OP posted his message to comp.lang.ruby, I'm cross-
posting it to comp.lang.python, since he mentions Python as a possible
alternative he's looking at, and also because I've recommended Python
for his stated needs. Also, interested to see what other Pythonistas
have to say in response to my reply.
- Vasudev]
On Jul 16, 2007, at 2:21 AM, Michael Reiland wrote:
At the heart of the issue is the fact that I refuse to use Java for this
project, I prefer not to use .Net because of the portability issues,
I'd like to get away from C++ for obvious reasons.
can tell me of a way to meet the above requirements in either Python
Perl, I'm all ears (I just prefer Ruby).
Yes, I think it would be really great for the Ruby community and for
the growth of the language if wxRuby was more mature as a GUI toolkit.
(Not knocking the wxRuby developers at all, its great that they've
even done what they have - I know that creating other language (like
Ruby) bindings to a C++ lib is a non-trivial task).
My suggestion: Python + wxPython + Python DBI + (Py2Exe + InnoSetup)
*might* meet all your needs. (As with any decision about what software
technologies to use, you'll have to evaluate the suggested options to
see if they fit your needs.)
Note: I've used and like both Ruby and Python (saying this after using
many, though not all, language features and libraries of both
languages), and am not trying to discourage you from using Ruby for
your needs; its just that, based on your needs as described, it looks
to me as if Python meets them better than Ruby at present:
mature enough for production use. Does anyone have any experience
this and/or can you offer alternatives that provide a native look and
feel (I
I don't know enough about wxRuby to comment.
wxPython has this (Native Look and Feel), I think (used it some, a
while ago), not 100% sure, you can check on the site - http:/
- to make sure. The site does say that it is cross-platform:
"wxPython is a cross-platform toolkit. This means that the same
program will run on multiple platforms without modification. Currently
supported platforms are 32-bit Microsoft Windows, most Unix or unix-
like systems, and Macintosh OS X.
but that doesn't necessarily mean that it will have native look and
feel on all supported platforms. (The two are not the same thing.)
That's why you will need to check.
wxPython pros: Its fairly easy to learn, at least for simple GUI apps
(e.g. a few widgets / controls and a file dialog or two). I was able
to build these simple ones - see the code, article and screenshots
available here (or from links from here):

- in quite a short time, starting from zero knowledge of wxPython (I
did know some Python from before), just by looking at the sample apps,
and some reading of the docs.
ODBC to support multiple types of DB's in a uniform way (if you know
alternatives to ODBC or ActiveRecord, please let me know).
I think, but again, not sure, that Python DBI + appropriate database
drivers, may meet this need. Basically Python DBI is similar to ODBC
(roughly), and to Perl DBI + DBD, as I understand. There's also ODBC
support in the Win32 extensions package for Python - IIRC, Google for
'win32all' to get it. Its also available as a link from the Python for
Win32 MSI installer on
I've used Python ODBC some, it works and is easy to use.
See this for a simple example:

(See the second post at that page, titled "Publishing ODBC database
content as PDF
". The code shown in the post is not indented as per proper the Python
syntax (LiveJournal messed up the indentation), sorry about that, but
its trivial to correct if you know Python indenting rules). Also read
the Python ODBC docs and examples, of course.
executable? The issue is twofold, speed, and not handing the
the source :)
For Python, there is py2exe (for Windows only). I used py2exe recently
and it works well enough for the simple cases that I tried. (I tried
building EXEs for a simple Python hello-world program, and for a
simple wxPython GUI app based on my xtopdf toolkit. Both worked ok.)
For cross-platform (Windows and Linux, IIRC), there is PyInstaller
(Google for it), haven't tried it out yet, just downloaded it
I don't think you'll gain much speed by this compiling step, though
(over and above what Python gives you itself, when it compiles
your .py files to .pyc files). The purpose of py2exe is more to hide
the source code than to speed it up, as I understand (could be wrong).
Note: py2exe only creates an EXE and DLLs needed, from your source and
its required Python modules. To create an installer, try InnoSetup
(for Windows only). I recently tried it out, version 5, again, it
worked well. Could create Windows SETUP.EXE-type installers for the
two EXEs described above. Worked ok.
I first learned Python, have been using it for some time for various
projects, and then learned Ruby, and have done some projects with Ruby
I've been reading both the Ruby Cookbook and the Python Cookbook
rather thoroughly in the last few weeks (and trying out and modifying
many of the recipes), and what I've observed is that the two languages
are roughly similar in features. For basic features common to most
languages (constants, variables, arrays, hashes/dictionaries, file I/
O, classes, objects, modules/libraries, etc. - they work roughly in
the same fashion - though syntax obviously differs, you can mostly do
what you can in one of them, in the other as well. (Note that I'm not
talking about libraries here - this will obviously differ as each
language will have its own set of libraries for doing various tasks,
like networking and other areas - though even here there is a good
amount of overlap/similarity.)
For more advanced language features related to object-orientation,
metaclasses / metaprogramming, both have some support, but you might
or might not be able to do in one, what you can do in the other.

P.S.: Some more thoughts:

If you'd really prefer to work in Ruby, but find after investigation,
that the wxPython recommendation I've made is worth pursuing, you
could check out this other approach:

- Write the GUI in Python + wxPython
- Write the rest of the app - the back end - in Ruby.
- Connect the two via any one of the following distributed computing
technology options:

- sockets (lowest level, more coding needed, need to create your
own proprietary, application-specific (though not necessarily very
difficult) "protocol" on top of the sockets layer

- XML-RPC (less coding than sockets, fairly easy to code with,
supports most/all basic scalar data types (string, int) of Python/
Ruby, also supports 'structs' and arrays. XML-RPC structs are not
really structs in the C sense, they more or less map to hashes/
dictionaries of Ruby/Python respectively. A Binary XML-RPC data type
is also available, it works by Base-64 encoding your binary data. Have
tried out this type as well as the simple scalar types, they work.
(E.g. I could generate a PDF file on the server in response to a
client method call, and send the PDF back to the client as the method
response, using the Binary data type.) In XML-RPC you can either use
the register_instance or register_function functions to register your
class's callable methods or your standalone callable functions so the
client can call them.
Each of these approaches (register_function vs. register_instance) has
its pros and cons - e.g. IIRC, you can register any number of
functions, but you can only register one instance of an object - so if
using this approach, you'd need to either a) have all your callable
code in one class, or make that one class a manager/controler class
that delegates to other classes to do the needed work.

- SOAP. Ruby's stdlib has SOAP support. Python has SOAPpy and a
few others, not sure whether those projects are active and supported
currently. You will need to check this out. Comments similar to those
for XML-RPC above.

- ICE from ZeroC This is like a lighter CORBA.
Some of the key developers are prior CORBA experts, like Michi Henning
who wrote a well-known C++/CORBA book. But check out the licenses for
ICE; IIRC, the open source version is under the GPL. You have to pay
for a commercial license.

ICE supports Python for both client and server, has Ruby support
(need to check if both client and server, or client only).

- HTTP calls. Use Webrick or Mongrel HTTP server libraries - you
can "mount" instances of classes into the HTTP servers that these
libraries allow you to create and run. (This is similar to Java
servlets running inside a Java servlet container.) "Call" the methods
of these instances from the Python + wxPython GUI front end via the
appropriate HTTP client library (urllib or urllib2 or httplib2) for
Python, open-uri for Ruby. I've checked this out (briefly), it works,
and is a neat and somewhat powerful technique, IMO. (What this implies
is that the client for your HTTP server, need not be a browser - it
can be a...

read more »

wxPython uses the native widgets of the platform it is running on in
most (if not all) cases, so if you want the "native look & feel", than
that is the way I would go. They have the best user's group I've seen
so far as well.


David Mullet

Mr said:
I'm contemplating writing an application in Ruby but in order to do so I
have some requirements that I hope everyone can help me out with.

1. GUI
2. Databases
3. Binary

I have no experience with developing/deploying Ruby in a
"shrinkwrapped-esque" environment and would appreciate input from those
with more experience.

For what it's worth to you, I've been using the following components for
production Windows desktop apps for the past year and a half:

GUI = wxRuby (0.60)
Database = Sqlite3 (with the sqlite3 ruby bindings)
Binary = RubyScript2exe
Installer = Inno Setup

I (and my users) have been pleased with the results, but your needs may

You'll find comments about all or most of these components in this

Some further details can be found here:


M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

wxPython uses the native widgets of the platform it is running on in
most (if not all) cases, so if you want the "native look & feel", than
that is the way I would go. They have the best user's group I've seen
so far as well.

I'll have to admit that as much as I like the Qt look and feel, wxGTK on
Linux and whatever flavor of wxWidgets runs on Windows does an excellent
job on a tool that I use regularly -- PgAdmin3. It's a bitch to build
from source, though -- get the RPMs (or .debs or ebuilds).

Charles Oliver Nutter

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky said:
Yeah ... jRuby has a cross-platform GUI and all the database stuff. I
don't particularly like the typical Java GUI look and feel, but that's
just my personal taste.

Generally the default Java L&F tries to match the host platform as well
as possible, and in Java 6 it's pretty damn close. Of course, you can
plug in any L&F you want without changing the code.

- Charlie

Bruno Desthuilliers

vasudevram a écrit :
Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:

Thanks for the info.

This is not exactly a scoop, you know ?-)
Can you briefly explain what you mean by "their respective object
models are totally different"? Do you refer to how the object-
orientation (classes, objects, etc.) is implemented in the two

Obviously, yes.

Kashia Buch

Of course - actually, personally I prefer Camping over Rails.
But Rails has all the features, all the glitter and all the userbase.
That's why I recommended it.

why do you recommend things you aren't totally 'in sync' with. :)
Things having glitter... this is blinding people, user base, Java has
a huge userbase, I still would only recommend it on special occasions.
What I do recommend though is 'check things out' and 'dont't take
stuff for granted'. Try out several frameworks, not everything that
glitters smells good, and good smell is the base of all good feelings.
And if 'feeling good' isn't the only thing worth living for, what else
is it....


Robert Dober

Of course - actually, personally I prefer Camping over Rails.

But Rails has all the features, all the glitter and all the userbase.

That's why I recommended it.

Aur if you think that Camping is better why do you go mainstream and
recommend Rails ????
Difficult to understand.



Aur if you think that Camping is better why do you go mainstream and
recommend Rails ????
Difficult to understand.

More mature, more documentation, more community, more tools - Rails is
easier to cope with.

It's also better, based on my limited impression, for big projects,
whilst Camping shines in small projects - which is why I prefer it for
my own work.



Bruno said:
Both Ruby and Python are known for this.

Thanks for the info. (I don't know much about metaprogramming etc. in
either languages - just started exploring those topics recently.)

I'd say that - wrt/ "advanced" programming tricks - *most* of what you
can do with one can be done with the other - but usually in a *very*
different way. While Ruby and Python have similar features and may
very similar at first sight, their respective object models are

Can you briefly explain what you mean by "their respective object
models are totally different"? Do you refer to how the object-
orientation (classes, objects, etc.) is implemented in the two


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