Gosh, and here I thought my responsibility as Project Editor was the
redaction of the whole C++ standard.
The redaction (what I mean was more "elaboration and redaction",
instead of pure writing) is a matter of a team. And I am pretty sure
that each person of the team doesn't know equally well the standard,
and certainly doesn't know every bit of it.
And, with all due modesty, I know
it far better than you do.
That's why you were wrong about the denomination of "C headers", and I
was right.
Well, that's a bold statement and you may find that I have a very
*precise* knowledge of the current C++ specification concerning its
core, so, it is probable that you can't surpass me on that aspect. On
the other hand, concerning 1) the functionnalities of the C++
libraries and 2) the design and evolution of C++, my knowledge is
probably more limited than yours.
However, I have a very wide knowledge of programming languages and
compilers writing (although both of these are not my speciality).
You are specialized in C++, but you should take into account the
opinion of someone who can judge objectively what the current C++
standard is [ Of course compared to other programming languages
standards (or references if the language is not standardized), the C++
standard is objectively a mess
, but it is inherent to its complex
nature, and is reflected by the difficulty to write a C++ compiler. ]
I can say that it is not a good practice to use a deprecated feature.
If that feature will be undeprecated then wait for the next version of
C++ before using the (un)deprecated feature.
Last but not least, a programmer should refer to the standard without
caring about possible future evolutions of the language (for example,
this is the reponsibility of any programming language to introduce new
keywords that won't enter in conflict with existing programs, not the
other way around).
When you say to "anon" that there's no good reason not to use C
headers, this is not coherent with what the *current* C++ standard
But I can understand your view while you talk about the intention and
future of C++.
This reminds me a rather recent discussion here on a specific aspect
of the C++ language where W. M. Miller said that "upon strict reading"
I was right but "it was not the intent". Here the message that
includes the whole discussion to see that you are not alone:
Sorry I can't help it, I read a lot of technical specifications. I
said earlier "we are not robots", but I act like one when I read
I guess the two positions( strict reading, and intent of the wording)
are complementary. After all , which of the following compilers is
standard-compliant ? the one that strictly follows the wording of the
standard or the one that follows the "intents" ?
Alexandre Courpron.