Ed Leafe
The fact that his excellent, more or less daily postings are so badly
needed does indicate a problem, either with the design of the toolkit,
or with the docs. I'm not sure which.
I htink that there is such an overwhelming amount of stuff in a UI toolkit
that it is impossible to create a how-to. Instead, what is needed is a whole
series of smaller how-tos for various situations. I mean, there are literally
thousands upon thousands of UI behaviors to work with, and no way to describe
how to work with low-level drawing primitives in the same document as how to
process a menu selection.
When will that wxpython book appear?
According to one of the authors, Noel Rappin: "It'll be called _wxPython In
Action_ by Noel Rappin and Robin Dunn. I was told to expect that it would be
released in November, but the exact date will depend on how quickly we can
turn around the production."
So while it's still a little ways off, it's certainly within sight!