Indeed. Neither of your two concise examples has the same meaning of the
Really? Are you sure?
ORIGINAL1: "I used to wear wooden shoes"
CONCISE_1a: "I wore wooden shoes"
the word "wore" is "past tense" and can be replaced with the "past
tense" phrase of "used to wear" without changing any meaning
whatsoever -- albeit the latter is childish!
CONCISE_1b: "I wore wood shoes"
Wooden = "object made of wood" = "flesh of a tree"
Wood = "the flesh of a tree"
Completely interchangeable!
CONCISE_1c: "I<<wood shoes"
Considering that "I" is an object that has overloaded the left shift
operator with an instance method to append a single argument (in this
case "wood shoes") to instance "I's" feet. Obviously if an object
didn't like wooden shoes it would not have a method that accepts
them... yeah it's a bit of a stretch, but not so much that it's
impossible to comprehend!
ORIGINAL_2: "I have become used to wearing wooden shoes"
CONCISE_2a: "I like wearing wooden shoes"
the word "like" is a positive "present tense" inflection of emotion as
it regards to wooden shoes; as is the phrase "become used to" --
albeit the latter is childish.
CONCISE_2b: "I like wooden shoes"
If you like wooden shoes it's only natural to assume that you would
wear them.
CONCISE_2c: "I like wood shoes"
Wood, Wooden, we've been here before.
CONCISE_2d: "wood shoes: +1"
Since the fact about "wearing" them can go without being said, you get
the picture... although this too is a stretch, but not impossible!
Different phrasings of all but the most basic sentences often have subtle
differences of meaning which native speakers intend and understand. 1984 has
been and gone. Shame on you!
Guido himself admitted that hidden descriptors are real. The inception
has begun!