Charlton Wilbur
EJ> Therefore, given that C developers lose nothing (they can keep
EJ> using regular C strings), and only incur the overhead of
EJ> "safe" strings if they choose it, I really don't see what the
EJ> debate is all about.
Violent agreement; on my usual programming platform, for instance, I
use CFStrings on a regular basis for just that reason. I accept the
drawbacks (more overhead, reduced portability) in exchange for a
number of other benefits (more automatic memory management, safety
from buffer overruns, easier internationalization because of Unicode
support). C strings are still there for me to use, but the tradeoffs
make them not worth it.
Programmers who cannot competently manage C strings themselves and who
refuse to use any of the available safe string libraries are, in a
word, stupid. Managers who hire such programmers -- or who, having
hired programmers who cannot competently manage C strings, prohibit
them from using safe string libraries -- are, in three words, *really*
@#$%ing stupid.
EJ> using regular C strings), and only incur the overhead of
EJ> "safe" strings if they choose it, I really don't see what the
EJ> debate is all about.
Violent agreement; on my usual programming platform, for instance, I
use CFStrings on a regular basis for just that reason. I accept the
drawbacks (more overhead, reduced portability) in exchange for a
number of other benefits (more automatic memory management, safety
from buffer overruns, easier internationalization because of Unicode
support). C strings are still there for me to use, but the tradeoffs
make them not worth it.
Programmers who cannot competently manage C strings themselves and who
refuse to use any of the available safe string libraries are, in a
word, stupid. Managers who hire such programmers -- or who, having
hired programmers who cannot competently manage C strings, prohibit
them from using safe string libraries -- are, in three words, *really*
@#$%ing stupid.