Öö Tiib said:
The categorization "legal concept" is correct but (since there are no
inherent or necessary connection between law and morality) that
aspect of copyright feels orthogonal to the question if it is morally
right or wrong to honor it.
Got it. I'll try to focus on this question (and may skip some side
Me too, even with same words. I believe that lowest level excuses for
doing or not doing something are material considerations (will I more
likely be rewarded or punished?). Bit higher are aesthetic
considerations (will the outcome be beautiful or ugly?) Moral
considerations are even higher (is it right or wrong thing to do?).
I can relate to this. But one thing that for me seems to be missing from
discussions around moral questions is that answers to questions about
the morality of an action depend a lot -- essentially -- on the "moral
environment" of the question. And that "moral environment" lives only in
a given person, and is different in every person -- and might even
(actually or seemingly) change from situation to situation. (IMO.)
For me, if I would say that a given action is "immoral", I don't assume
that is necessary immoral for the other. That's why the "probably" and
"I think" in the phrases above.
Healthy collective is always capable to come out with decision even
when individual members of it may have opinions from edge to edge.
But again... what the collective comes out with is the law, not the
individual moral decision. Which creates the tension between the law
(ideally the summary, median, whatever of the individual morals) and the
individual morals.
Yes. That is the question: How does it matter that it is legal
For me, it depends on how we look at it. I have my moral position, you
have yours, everybody has theirs. The only thing that we have in common
is the law.
So if we talk about what I think, I can talk about morals -- /my/
morals. And they don't apply to you, unless you want to. So by (this)
definition I can't say that somebody else's actions are immoral. The
only moral that I could apply is my moral -- but I generally don't know
enough about the actual act to be able to apply my morals. I can ask the
other whether his action is in alignment with /his/ morals (and I assume
most often the answer will be "yes", which doesn't necessarily say
It is simple rule but indeed it might be in some situations hard for
me to figure out how I would like to be treated being you. Also it
may be hard for you to figure out how you would like to be treated
being me. We may decide wrongly but I still consider it important to
try. So the rule is important despite there are no clear and simple
ways to follow it.
Agreed -- as a thought-provoker it's useful.
You do not think that economy is very important? I think it is
something that keeps best part of population occupied, and everybody
warm and feed. If someone really manages to damage the economy then
that might result with years of misery to majority of population.
I do think that "the economy" is important. But I don't think that the
current way of doing things in a given place is necessarily the best
way, and I do think that it's quite likely that we can improve on the
status quo.
For example, I don't think that the GDP is a useful measure for how well
an economy is doing, even though it's often used. And for the IMO most
important things, we (that is, all countries I know of) don't really
have the figures. One important figure would be how well we are doing,
year by year, as a simple sum of all individuals in an economy,
including individual debts and all the individual shares of corporate
and public debt. (There's of course the problem in estimating the value
of non-monetary assets. What value do you put on increased or decreased
health? It's of course an important part of how well I'm doing, and how
well an economy is doing.)
IMO it's not clear at all whether copyright helps with that number of
"overall economic well-being" or not. One thing is clear: it makes
tremendous amounts of advertising worthwhile for a copyright holder --
and almost all advertising reduces the number I'm talking about. (Most
advertising doesn't create anything of value; in the best case, it helps
redistribute values.)
So, yes, "the economy" is important. But IMO it's not clear whether
copyright as it is helps with it or not. In a way, this is similar to
the discussion around FOSS and GPL. There are the voices that think that
FOSS is a death threat to the economy, but it's not really clear at all
whether or not this is the case, or whether more FOSS code doesn't mean
more collective wealth. One of the problems is that this type of
collective wealth (the availability of useful FOSS) doesn't appear in
the numbers of what's generally considered "the economy".
Someone wrote a scholarly book. Someone else made that book to be
freely downloadable without asking from the author. Perhaps for to
make the site (I did not follow OP link but I trust that it is usual
mal-ware and pornography) interesting to people. I feel that the
author has been unfairly and wrongly treated. That this is immoral in
several senses. If I was the author then I would feel mistreated. I
may be mistaken about everything here, but can you describe the
situation how you see it? I mean not theoretical limits how the
situation can be interpreted but how you, Gerhard Fiedler, feel about
I don't know enough about the uploader to be judging him or her. I also
think that it being available doesn't really hurt the copyright holder;
what potentially hurts is the way it is being used. (I wrote so much
before with my hammer analogy, which may not be the best one around.)
I'm in a phase of rethinking my position towards copyright. I'm not done
with it yet
What I've done on occasion is to download a not
authorized copy to see whether it is what I hoped it was. If it was, I
bought it (and sometimes continued to use the electronic copy). If it
wasn't, I just forgot about it. This is an illegal procedure in many
places, but it's in alignment with my morals. (And I wouldn't mind if
someone else did it with my stuff.) Besides, it's not essentially
different from going into a book store and reading part of the book
there before deciding to buy it or not -- only that I don't have any
book stores nearby where this would be possible. In that sense, it feels
immoral to not give me the choice to temporarily "circumvent" the
copyright prohibition that people elsewhere have. (Some online sellers
already provide the possibility of pre-reading parts of a book. That's
already a good thing, but it's not the same. In a book store, you can
pick freely the pages you want to see.)
I don't think that it was immoral for the uploader of such material to
bring me into the position to do what I did. It might have been immoral
for me (the downloader) to use it without paying for using it.
I also think that there is a more than theoretical possibility that the
author wouldn't be too terribly upset if he knew that a number of
students in a country where the price of the book is a month's salary
use a not authorized copy of it. I think it's a given that these not
authorized copies wouldn't translate into sales if the students didn't
have access to them. And I think that there is a good chance that at
least some of these students later make enough money to actually buy a
book by the same author -- to which the unauthorized copy they used as a
student may have contributed.
If such "interpretations" make it not rational to teach others then
it may be rational to fall back to closed schools of informed. You
know, we have been there, one will receive knowledge only after
giving oath to prefer death to spreading information, serving masters
few years and then if considered to be worthy by elders of
Yes, there's that part. But then, it's a different time now, with
Wikileaks and all, just as it is a different time from when the
copyright was though up -- there's no monopoly of the printing press
owners anymore that needs to be broken up by copyright, and rather
there's now an oligopoly of big copyright owners that is protected by
it, and it's not one of content creators.
It's just getting more and more difficult to keep the lid on things, and
the mechanisms we create to still keep it on sound more and more like
something I don't like. Like the DMCA in the USA.
Of course, in our current legal structure, many people make money
through copyright that they wouldn't make without copyright. That's the
whole (or primary) reason of copyright. But IMO it's not really proven
that things overall would be worse without copyright. Or with a
copyright with different rules. (No doubt though that such a change
would be tough on some, and have some bad and unintended consequences.
That's the same with all changes...)
Wikipedia says "If the author has been dead more than 70 years, the work
is in the public domain in most, but not all, countries. Some works are
covered by copyright in Spain for 80 years after the author's death." I
can't see anything moral about extending copyright past the author's
death. I can of course see economic reasons (which I consider immoral in
this case), but not moral reasons. IMO the heirs of the author have no
more "right" to benefit from the author's work, and neither is it likely
that someone doesn't create a work because the copyright expires at his
or her death (which means that this provision doesn't serve the public
Summary: I don't have a clear position. I think it's an issue with many,
many facets and it's difficult enough to make up my mind about what I
think is right for /me/ to do -- much less what is right for /others/ to