The Expert Ruby Programmer


James Britt

Ryan Leavengood wrote:
My only advice would be to branch out and code as many different kinds
of applications as you can, and then eventually you just know how to
code everything :-D

Of course by then you may be an 80-year-old programmer.

Ah, but an 80-year-old who can *kick ass* in Ruby!


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Dan Shafer

I must haveI missed CLR formally welcoming an illustrious programming
language guru and writer like yourself! I still have some of your
HyperCard books. They are a classic in clear technical writing.
Very kind of you to say, basi...and for that matter to remember me! I
am becoming quite intrigued with Ruby and Rails as I study them in
tandem. They just "feel" right.
I'm new myself to Ruby, and I'm still looking for the 'syntactic
essence' of Ruby. It is that thing that once you get it, everything
else is an embellishment. Much in the sense that grasping and
list manipulation in Lisp/Scheme can take you far and wide. I suspect,
in Ruby, as in other OO languagues, it is the object. I'm ready for a
Ruby book that starts with the most basic object/class and from which
most things I'd like to 'compute' will be shown to be mere extensions
or variations.
AH, yes, l'essence d'objects! I have a vague sense that the class
library for Ruby may not yet have settled enough to be the subject of
a book, that such a book would be obsolete before publication even if
it were made available as an eBook.
But back to the topic:

I found that any non-trivial OO app had
to be rewritten twice during its early lifetime even after it was
working to achieve the kind of reusability and maintainability

So I'm looking to know what it is that we don't know the first time
that had we at the time known would lessen the need for a major
redesign and rewrite?
Nothing generic and therein lies the rub. If you really grok design
patterns and can map the domain you're working in against those
patterns, that seems to reduce the *number* of times you have to
revise code almost completely, but the need never seems to go away,
at least in my experience. This seems to me to be the gestalt of OO
programming and I consider it a Good Thing. Refactoring is pretty
easy with the right tool and refining the design as you learn is a
good way to mimic nature, which is one of the reasons OO programming
works so well to begin with.

Dan Shafer
Technology Visionary - Technology Assessment - Documentation
"Looking at technology from every angle"

Dan Shafer

Yes, and the variation on that theme, "What the programmer saw at 3
a.m. just as he closed down his editor for the evening and couldn't
remember the next morning."


That's the immanent quintessential property known as 'What The User
Actually Wanted, But Didn't Mention At First'.

Dan Shafer
Technology Visionary - Technology Assessment - Documentation
"Looking at technology from every angle"

Robert Klemme

Chad Perrin said:
. . like O Sensei, aka Morihei Ueshiba.

Didn't know O Sensei was doing Ruby... If I'm not mistaken he died before
Ruby was conceived.

Anybody else in here doing Aikido?


Al Gordon

Didn't know O Sensei was doing Ruby... If I'm not mistaken he died befor= e
Ruby was conceived.

Anybody else in here doing Aikido?


I used to, and need to get back into it. Might be a good New Year's

Stephen Webb

Ryan Leavengood wrote:

Ah, but an 80-year-old who can *kick ass* in Ruby!

. . . like O Sensei, aka Morihei Ueshiba.

Chad Perrin [ CCD CopyWrite | ]

"Real ugliness is not harsh-looking syntax, but having to
build programs out of the wrong concepts." - Paul Graham
Okay, now that is interesting. I had no idea O'Sensei was a fan of

Jason Sweat

Anybody else in here doing Aikido?


4 years in college. 3 more years about 10 after that. Our dojo shut
down so now I participate in my daughters Taekwondo class instead (and
managed to break and sprain my ankle two months ago :( ). I
definitely miss the grace, wonder and beauty of how Aikido works, much
like Ruby :)


Chad Perrin

15 years here. The dojo is a short walk from my house :)

I've got a similar situation with a Krav Maga and Kapop studio near me.
I'm thinking of going there twice a week next year.

Of course, now I'm wondering what language-to-martial-art
correspondences there are, aside from aikido and Ruby.

Chad Perrin

Okay, now that is interesting. I had no idea O'Sensei was a fan of

Okay, that's twice so far I've seen someone say something like this.
I'll take this at face value for a moment:

I was making a comparison to a well-known and much beloved octogenarian
that could kick ass, not saying O Sensei knew/liked Ruby (though, if he
were a programmer with a chance to "meet" Ruby, I daresay he might

I no return you to your regularly scheduled . . . whatever.

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