Steven T. Hatton said:
Is the problem that the committee doesn't think it's important, or is
it that the committee doesn't have the resources? What about That seems to have
the unofficial blessing of the committee. I agree that C++ /seems/ a
bit behind the times when it comes to threading, and many other
issues. What about X509, and all the other crypto stuff. Take a look
at the standard Java SDK, and compare that to what you can get with a
'standard' C++ setup. I haven't looked at C#'s offerings, but I
gather it comes with a similar arsenal of libraries.
If not following every silly fad that comes along means being behind the
times, so be it. There is no particular reason to integrate everything
into the language standard; there are even several very good reasons not
to, if you want to remain a general purpose language, instead of
targetting just a few niches.
The [other] area bothers me is database access layer. All these
database vendors promote JDBC because there is no a standard C++
access library. If these vendors stop to support their proprietary
C++ API, who will use C++ in a distributed environment? I never
head C++ committee even has an initiative to standardize a database
access layer library.
There are many open source libraries available, and for that matter,
you could probably make a C++ to JDBC bridge. I suspect it's already
been done. Nonetheless, I agree that standards are a good thing. I
find myself spending a lot of time hunting around for solutions to
things I get as part of Java either with the JSDK or as a freely
available extension. And let us not forget XML.
For the equivalent of JDBC, there's always the OTL. I'm not sure that
it is the right solution: I have my doubts about ostreaming selection
parameters, and I haven't used it enough concretely to confirm or deny
them. But it looks like a good point to start discussions, and it
certainly does get the job done.
For the rest, I repeat: not everything belongs in a language standard.
Generally speaking, if you can implement it in standard C++, it only
belongs in a language standard if it is needed pretty universally:
std::vector, std::string or std::sort, for example. Otherwise, the
basic argument for is based on the fact that you cannot implement it, or
you cannot implement it efficiently, in standard C++. Threading
certainly qualifies, a data base bridge might. std::latest_in_format
doesn't. (Why XML, for example, and not BER encoded ASN.1? BER encoded
ASN.1 is probably more widely used, is certainly stabler, and has been
around a lot longer.)
I believe C++ has a lot of problems when it comes to competing with
Java and C#. People who have never coded in Java (I can't comment on
C# directly) really have no idea of the strengths Java has as far as
ease of use.
Java's fine for some things, especially if you are working in one of the
niches where it is specialized. It doesn't cut it if you need
reliability or safety, though, and it doesn't lend itself to large scale
programming, nor to system level programming. (You can't implement a
JVM in Java, for example. And I've done some large scale work in Java
to know of its weaknesses there.)
C++ _*needs*_ some kind of module support.
I think that there is a general consensus that textual inclusion is NOT
the ideal way of handling modules. Regretfully, there doesn't seem to
be much consensus as to what is the right way.
It probably also should have checked exceptions.
I agree, but I suspect that I am in a very small minority.
It's worth noting, too, that most Java developers systematically derive
from RunTimeException to avoid the checking. In practice, Java doesn't
really have checked exceptions -- it just pretends it does. (In
practice, Java seems to have found an interesting compromize: all the
pains of checked exceptions, without any of the advantages.)
I have the sense many C++ programmers don't really understand the
concepts of listeners and events as they are used commonly in Java.
What makes you think this? I seems like a commonly used idiom in C++.
And a lot safer in C++ than in Java, at least in the typical uses I've
seen. Generally speaking, to use it well, you need multiple
inheritance. Or at least some way of enforcing a contract for an
interface. On the other hand, of course, it is a lot easier to use if
you have garbage collection, but since it typically doesn't involve
cycles, and uses objects that make no sense other than on the heap, you
can get by reasonably well with invasive reference counting. You also
need some sort of type safe container to hold your listeners, and that
is (or was until very recently) seriously lacking in Java.
All one really needs to do is to pick up _The Java Programming
Language_, by Arnold, Gosling and Holmes, and read the first 10 or so
chapters to see how much Java offers as core features.
Actually, if you don't get beyond the first 10 or so chapters, you'll
find more of what is missing. Practically speaking, in fact, unless you
get to libraries or infrastructure, you'll really only encounter things
that are missing. Java, the language, has a very few advantages over
C++: it's easier to parse, if you need to write a parser, it has garbage
collection, and it has real arrays, that act like first class objects.
On the other hand, you don't have any scope dependant user defined
types, and so no destructors or other clean-up mechanism, you don't have
any possibility of writing type safe containers, listern mechanisms,
etc., the language pretty much forbids writing strict interfaces (no
programming by contract), it has strange rules for the resolution of
virtual functions, which means that you often end up in a virtual
function on an object that hasn't been constructed. You complained
about the fact that C++ uses textual inclusion to separate interface
from implementation; Java doesn't even allow the separation. The
absense of any possibility to use programming by contract pretty much
excludes the use of Java for critical systems, and the lack of
separation between the class definition and its implementation pretty
much means you can't use it on large projects.
Too often C++ programmers become defensive and dismissive of these
strengths of Java. If someone presents an I idea which even hints
that it may have been influence by java, it is automatically rejected.
Not at all. I've done some fairly large projects in Java, and at one
time, knew it at least as well as I know C++. The more I used it,
however, the more I realized that it simply wasn't appropriate for the
type of work I do (large scale servers), nor for the type of work I'd
done a lot of in the past (real time industrial systems and system level
programming). It would be my first choice for a web page server (based
on JSP), and despite all of the problems due to the lack of type safe
containers and multiple inheritance, I really liked Swing. But in both
cases, it isn't the language which is determinating, it is the
infrastructure or the library.
I've been putting a lot of time into C++ lately, and I know there are
significant strength in the language that Java lacks. But they may
not be sufficient to keep anything but a niche in the emerging
In which environment. There are certain environments in which C++ has
pratically disappeared (if it was ever present). They are very much in
view, but taken globally, I don't know if they represent that big of a
percentage of actual software.
One view I've seen expressed on usenet is that Sun, Microsoft, IBM,
Borland, etc., are a bunch of idiots for shifting their focus to Java
(or C#). There's not much to say to in response to such assertions.
They seem to speak for themselves.
Hmmm. Microsoft seems to have moved its focus from Java, and at least
for the moment, C# or not, seems to take the attitude that C++ will be
around for a long time as well, and has a place in their plans. Borland
seems to prefer Delphi. But that is neither here nor there. There is
definitly a market for the latest fad; it would be silly for any of the
above named companies to ignore it. Just as it would be silly for them
to put all of their eggs in the Java basket. IMHO, Microsoft seems to
have understood this, and is steering a middle ground. Sun seems to
have shot itself in the foot, not so much because it supported and
pushed Java, but because it forgot its bread and butter products (Unix
based workstations) in doing so. (Note that Microsoft hasn't slowed
down developments on Windows or MS-Office simply because they have C#.)