One thing that would be very useful is how to maintain something that
works on 2.x and 3.x, but not limiting yourself to 2.6. Giving up
versions below 2.6 is out of the question for most projects with a
significant userbase IMHO. As such, the idea of running the python 3
warnings is not so useful IMHO - unless it could be made to work
better for python 2.x < 2.6, but I am not sure the idea even makes
This is exactly how I felt about my support for pyparsing, that I was
trying continue to provide support for 2.3 users, up through 3.x
users, with a single code base. Â (This would actually have been
possible if I had been willing to introduce a performance penalty for
Python 2 users, but performance is such a critical issue for parsing I
couldn't justify it to myself.) Â This meant that I had to constrain my
implementation, while trying to incorporate forward-looking support
features (such as __bool__ and __dir__), which have no effect on older
Python versions, but support additions in newer Pythons. Â I just
couldn't get through on the python-dev list that I couldn't just
upgrade my code to 2.6 and then use 2to3 to keep in step across the
2-3 chasm, as this would leave behind my faithful pre-2.6 users.
Here are some of the methods I used:
- No use of sets. Â Instead I defined a very simple set simulation
using dict keys, which could be interchanged with set for later
- No generator expressions, only list comprehensions.
- No use of decorators. Â BUT, pyparsing includes a decorator method,
traceParseAction, which can be used by users with later Pythons as
@traceParseAction in their own code.
- No print statements. Â As pyparsing is intended to be an internal
module, it does no I/O as part of its function - it only processes a
given string, and returns a data structure.
- Python 2-3 compatible exception syntax. Â This may have been my
trickiest step. Â The change of syntax for except from
  except ExceptionType, ex:
  except ExceptionType as ex:
is completely forward and backward incompatible. Â The workaround is to
rewrite as:
  except ExceptionType:
    ex = sys.exc_info()[0]
which works just fine in 2.x and 3.x. Â However, there is a slight
performance penalty in doing this, and pyparsing uses exceptions as
part of its grammar success/failure signalling and backtracking; I've
used this technique everywhere I can get away with it, but there is
one critical spot where I can't use it, so I have to keep 2 code bases
with slight differences between them.
- Implement __bool__, followed by __nonzero__ = __bool__. Â This will
give you boolean support for your classes in 2.3-3.1.
- Implement __dir__, which is unused by old Pythons, but supports
customization of dir() output for your own classes.
- Implement __len__, __contains__, __iter__ and __reversed__ for
container classes.
- No ternary expressions. Â Not too difficult really, there are several
well-known workarounds for this, either by careful use of and's and
or's, or using the bool-as-int to return the value from
- Define a version-sensitive portion of your module, to define
synonyms for constants that changed name between versions. Â Something
  _PY3K = sys.version_info[0] > 2
  if _PY3K:
    _MAX_INT = sys.maxsize
    basestring = str
    _str2dict = set
    alphas = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase
    _MAX_INT = sys.maxint
    range = xrange
    _str2dict = lambda strg : dict( [(c,0) for c in strg] )
    alphas = string.lowercase + string.uppercase
The main body of my code uses range throughout (for example), and with
this definition I get the iterator behavior of xrange regardless of
Python version.
In the end I still have 2 source files, one for Py2 and one for Py3,
but there is only a small and manageable number of differences between
them, and I expect at some point I will move forward to supporting Py3
as my primary target version. Â But personally I think this overall
Python 2-3 migration process is moving along at a decent rate, and I
should be able to make my switchover in another 12-18 months. Â But in
the meantime, I am still able to support all versions of Python NOW,
and I plan to continue doing so (albeit "support" for 2.x versions
will eventually mean "continue to offer a frozen feature set, with
minimal bug-fixing if any").
I realize that pyparsing is a simple-minded module in comparison to
others: it is pure Python, so it has no issues with C extensions; it
does no I/O, so print-as-statement vs. print-as-function is not an
issue; and it imports few other modules, so the ones it does have not
been dropped in Py3; and overall it is only a few thousand lines of
code. Â But I just offer this post as a concrete data point in this