Rocco Caputo
My proposal for Perl6 is to make Perl execute a sequence of code which
is 0 bytes in length with the action of printing to STDOUT:
Hello World
You can get the solution down to 1 byte by writing a HQ9+ compiler for
Parrot. Please see http://www.cliff.biffle.org/esoterica/hq9plus.html
for the language specification.
If you want to reduce the solution to 0 bytes, simply specify a
language where this happens and write the appropriate Parrot compiler
for it.
Whereas Perl 6 doesn't currently exist, and the language designers may
consider such features frivolous, Parrot DOES exist, and people are
encouraged to write compilers for it.
I think your are not serious about your proposal, or you would already
be working on it.