This newsgroup has become vicious


d d

Randy said:
Rob has used GG for a while now. I used it for a little while (waiting
to get Giganews setup) and I started to use it yesterday to post a few
things but changed my mind when Google Groups couldn't properly
determine whether I had cookies enabled or not and wouldn't allow me to
sign in.

It's slightly ironic when you're looking at c.l.j via google groups that
it has so many javascript problems. I lost count of the number of
different JS errors and IE alerts asking me if I want to debug. I was
also forced to use GG until I got my ISP to release their top secret
news server info. I wish the Firebug group wasn't google only.


d d

Randy said:
d d said the following on 7/8/2007 4:18 AM:
Could Google properly determine whether you have cookies enabled or not?

Maybe some over-paranoid anti-spyware protection you've got has put
google on a cookie black-list.


d d

Randy said:
Indeed it was. The culprit? Googles own tool-bar.
Oh well, such is the world of computing.

You have to laugh. If you don't, you'll find yourself crying into your
cornflakes and wondering why you keep on getting up in the morning.
Still, that's enough about my weekend ;-)

The worst cookie blockers are the ones that block tracking cookies. I'm
all for protecting my PC against spyware, but it's way too paranoid to
think that anonymous tracking cookies are going to cause us any harm. As
if being part of an amalgamated statistic (e.g. 0.2% of anonymous people
that visited clicked on the Toyota ad) is going to result in a
loss of privacy. I think the people that write the anti-spyware
applications should be educated on what these tracking cookies are used for.

Tracking cookies are the equivalent of somebody with one of those
counter/clickers standing in a department store and clicking once for
every person that stops to look at a specific perfume, and clicks on
another clicker for the people that ignore it and walk straight by. Can
you imagine someone objecting to being added to that counter. "Hey, make
that counter go back one, I don't want to be included in your
statistics, it might cause me to have my identity stolen". Ridiculous.

lol, I just looked at the subject of this thread. I'm gonna guess this
is slightly OT from the orignal post. Looking how many posts are in it I
think I'll give it a miss.



d d said the following on 7/8/2007 2:59 PM:

Indeed it was. After some neat tricks with a desktop PC, a web cam and
about 30 minutes of looking, I found what was causing it. Yes, it was an
"over-paranoid anti-spyware program" that had black listed any and all
of Google and prevented it from setting cookies. The culprit? Googles
own tool-bar. Nice to see that Google considers its own website as a
source of potential spy-ware problems.

I've got to say that my experience with Goole Groups has given me a
low opinion of the coding ability of Google programmers. Anyone still
inserting tags like:

<script language="javascript"><!-- ... >
<script language="javascript1.3" ... >

and using extensive browser sniffing is displaying considerable
ignorance of the web environment.

Why I use it:

1. I like the way it orders threads by date of last post (possibly
its only saving grace)
2. When on site I don't have access to a news server
3. Some groups I follow aren't on my ISP's news server
4. Some groups I follow aren't usenet groups

I've tried and dumped gmail.


RobG wrote on 09 jul 2007 in comp.lang.javascript:
I've tried and dumped gmail.

Gmail is nice to decode that occasional winmail.dat,
sent by people whose outlook on the cyberworld is Outlook.

RobG said:
TB can also do that.

How do you get it to do that? I can make it order threads by the date
of their first post, but not by the date of their last post (that keeps
active threads at the top of the list - I like the most recent at the top).

In Thunderbird, threads like this one get buried by newer threads. To
find more active threads, I have to sort on date, then select a message,
then order by thread to see the rest of its messages.


RobG said:
How do you get it to do that?

Damn, posting is such a cure-all:

view -> sort by -> date + descending + threaded.

I'd always besn sorting by clicking on column headers. Now if only I
could use Thunderbird at work...

Thanks to Randy too. :)

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