Rainer Weikusat
Keith Keller said:This strikes me as premature optimization.
'Premature optimization' is a term which originally referred to the idea
of trying to write an 'optimal' machine-language programming 'from the
start', instead of concentrating on writing a working machine-language
program first and then - possibly - transform that into an
also-working but faster machine-language program and this in the
context of highly 'irregular' CISC-architecture as they were (still)
common in the 1970s where a lot of relatively 'bizarre' ways to
perform semantically identical operations in different ways actually
existed and it makes a hell lot of sense in this context.
It was never meant to be a universal justification for "But I don't
want to think about that!" and certainly also not for "But I don't
want to change my habits!"
Unless I know my program is
spending too much time doing my $tmp = 'ar!'; inside the for loop, I
would much prefer to keep $tmp properly scoped and initialized inside
the loop.
It is 'properly scoped' in the second example because the variable
stays (logically) alive for as long as it is going to be used and
'improperly scoped' in the first because (again, logically) it keeps
being destroyed and recreated (this is supposed to be a demonstration
that 'proper' means nothing on its own).
Unless you are having a serious out of memory problem,
'micro-optimizing' your code such that each object has the shortest
possible livetime can also be considered 'a premature optimization',
especially as it might not even help, as in this example.