Careful: in Stephen's proposal, slicing would NOT work on *INTEGERS* --
rather, it would work on the *INT TYPE ITSELF*, which is a very, very
different issue.
Exactly - thanks for that.
Actually, Sean Ross posted a prototype implementation which makes a
good point - theres no reason why the sliceable object needs to be the
standard 'int' type in Python as it is now. Maybe a library extended
int type, imported only if used, makes sense. Maybe this is a recipe
or library proposal rather than a language proposal.
Also, one extra feature is that the loop can be infinite (which range
and xrange cannot achieve)...
for i in int [0:] :
No way, Jose -- now THAT would break things (in admittedly rare
cases -- a method expecting a list and NOT providing an upper bound
in the slicing). I'd vote for this to be like int[0:sys.maxint+1]
(i.e., last item returned is sys.maxint).
True - but boundless generators are already in use.
An implicit sys.maxint(ish) upper bound seems wrong to me. I would
either go with allowing the infinite loop or requiring an explicit
upper bound.
What Stephen's proposal lacks is rigorous specs of what happens for all
possible slices -- e.g int[0:-3] isn't immediately intuitive, IMHO;-).
You're right in that this was not intended as a full formal proposal.
But lets see what I can do...
To me, it should be possible to create slices for negative ranges as
easily as positive ranges, so the convention of -1 giving the last
item wouldn't apply.
I already had to look at this issue when I wrapped some C++ container
classes for Python recently (unreleased at present due to the need for
further Pythonicising) - the whole point of doing so was that the
containers allow some more power and flexibility compared with the
Python ones. For instance, my set and (dictionary-like) map classes
are conveniently and efficiently sliceable. But how should the slicing
BTW - there is a price for flexibility - I was very surprised at the
relative speed of a dictionary (at least an order of magnitude faster
than my map) though to be fair I haven't done even trivial
optimisation stuff yet. No, these aren't STL containers.
Anyway, back to the point...
I could have treated slices as specifying subscripts (while the data
structure is *not* a sorted array, it does support reasonably
efficient subscripting) but I felt the upper and lower bounds should
be key values rather than subscripts. But when basing the bounds on
keys, a bound of '-1' logically means a bound with the key value of -1
- not the highest subscript value.
The 'step' value is slightly inconsistent in that it had to be a
subscript-like step (stepping over a specific number of items rather
than a specific key range) as the keys don't always have a sensible
way to interpret these steps. But I'm drifting from the point again.
As a 'set of integers' would IMO logically be sliced by key too, '-1'
should just be a key like any other key, giving...
[-5, -4, -3, -2, -1]
[0, -1, -2, -3, -4]
So to me, the slice should be evaluated as follows...
if step is None : default step to 1
if step == 0 : raise IndexError
if start is None :
either default to zero or raise IndexError, not sure
if stop is None :
either raise IndexError or...
if step > 0 :
default stop to +infinity
else :
default stop to -infinity
Obviously that isn't a real implementation ;-)