Jorge Godoy
What is os.P_NOWAIT on your system? It looks like '1' (no quotes) on my system:
It is '1', just as in yours. I was saying that there's no 'P_NOWAIT'
(with quotes and no 'os.' prefix).
So one would think
os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, 'c:/python22/pythonw.exe',
['c:/python22/pythonw.exe', 'another.py', parameter])
Exactly. In fact it ended up as (this is in a separate method on the
main program):
if (sys.platform == 'win32'):
python = 'c:/python22/pythonw.exe'
os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, python, [python, program, parameter])
os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, program, [program, parameter])
would work, except I note that os.P_NOWAIT is not defined in Python 1.5.2 on Linux (slackware).
Gotta upgrade one of these days... My nt python is 2.3 though, but I don't suppose that's changed
since the 2.2 you are apparently running on windows??
I'm running 2.2 on both platforms and with the 'os.' prefix everything