Threads and Ruby


Iñaki Baz Castillo

El Martes, 1 de Julio de 2008, Charles Oliver Nutter escribi=C3=B3:
This is an eventual goal, but I asked ko1 about it and such work has not
started yet. It will be hard.

Processes are probably better under Ruby, but it's most definitely worth
trying threads under JRuby first.

Now I'm doing a server in Ruby using green threads (Ruby MRI).
In the future it's possible I try to migrate it to JRuby to use real thread=

Just a question: Will my code and for now green threads work correctly und=
JRuby and green threads will become OS threads magically? or must I change =
code to work with OS threads?

Thanks for any explanation.

I=C3=B1aki Baz Castillo

Charles Oliver Nutter

ara.t.howard said:
one of the reasons this is true is that for a heavily threaded ruby
program (green threads) you end up with the entire process sometimes
blocked on io and the threads end up getting into a pattern where all of
them need to write at once - a kind of rhythm - with processes the
ability for the OS to schedule access to resources ends up staggering
the phase of execution so access is generally faster than it 'ought' to
be taking only TPS into account.

Of course that's mostly a factor of Ruby's rather simplistic thread
scheduling, which has a 10ms timeslice and a fairly basic selection
algorithm. Obviously OS scheduling will be better/more advanced, but
that applies equally well to native threads (like in JRuby).

- Charlie

Charles Oliver Nutter

Iñaki Baz Castillo said:
Now I'm doing a server in Ruby using green threads (Ruby MRI).
In the future it's possible I try to migrate it to JRuby to use real threads.

Just a question: Will my code and for now green threads work correctly under
JRuby and green threads will become OS threads magically? or must I change my
code to work with OS threads?

You should not need to do anything and the threads will "just be
native". We do that by hobbling native threads slightly so they check
for those "unsafe" events like kill, raise, and critical.

One down side to native threads is that launching a thread in JRuby is a
lot more costly than in MRI, but we also have a thread pool (somewhat
experimental, but people are using it) to mitigate that cost:

user system total real
control loop 0.005000 0.000000 0.005000 ( 0.006000) loop 2.569000 0.000000 2.569000 ( 2.569000)

user system total real
control loop 0.009000 0.000000 0.009000 ( 0.009000) loop 0.655000 0.000000 0.655000 ( 0.654000)

This improves more with a longer run.

- Charlie

Iñaki Baz Castillo

El Martes, 1 de Julio de 2008, Charles Oliver Nutter escribi=C3=B3:
You should not need to do anything and the threads will "just be
native". We do that by hobbling native threads slightly so they check
for those "unsafe" events like kill, raise, and critical.

One down side to native threads is that launching a thread in JRuby is a
lot more costly than in MRI, but we also have a thread pool (somewhat
experimental, but people are using it) to mitigate that cost:

user system total real
control loop 0.005000 0.000000 0.005000 ( 0.006000) loop 2.569000 0.000000 2.569000 ( 2.569000)

user system total real
control loop 0.009000 0.000000 0.009000 ( 0.009000) loop 0.655000 0.000000 0.655000 ( 0.654000)

This improves more with a longer run.

Great. Thanks a lot.

I=C3=B1aki Baz Castillo


but only very briefly, in practice the throughput is close to what you
can achieve with mutexes combined with the mri thread scheduler

one of the reasons this is true is that for a heavily threaded ruby
program (green threads) you end up with the entire process sometimes
blocked on io and the threads end up getting into a pattern where all
of them need to write at once - a kind of rhythm - with processes the
ability for the OS to schedule access to resources ends up staggering
the phase of execution so access is generally faster than it 'ought'
to be taking only TPS into account.

this a *wild* generalization based only on the kinds of parallel
processing i've done, but i've seen the pattern where a heavily
threaded program ends up being effectively serial enough times to
mention it...

a @

OK, I'm going to try to recap what I learned so far from reading links
and making some assumptions (*bad*):

1 - Green threads are threads that run in user space.
2 - Forking allows for running multiple ruby interpreters, each with
their own memory space.
3 - Ruby provides a thread mechanizm, but these threads are
4 - Native threads are used in Jruby, and in Ruby 1.9 YARV
5 - If you use ruby threads, each thread shares the memory space of
all the others.

Hopefully I hit on all the major points that were made. It looks like
forking is what I'm looking for in my use case:

- I want sandboxing for each 'thread'
- I don't want one 'thread' to block another

Thanks for the discussion guys. Seems like there is more to be
learned though.

Mike B.

Robert Klemme

OK, I'm going to try to recap what I learned so far from reading links
and making some assumptions (*bad*):

1 - Green threads are threads that run in user space.

Native threads do this as well. The difference between native and green
threads is who does the scheduling: native threads are scheduled by the
OS's scheduler and can use all cores available in a system. Green
threads are scheduled by a piece of user code (from the OS's perspective).
2 - Forking allows for running multiple ruby interpreters, each with
their own memory space.

3 - Ruby provides a thread mechanizm, but these threads are

Yes. Ruby's threads are green threads. I would not call them
"serialized" though because that sounds like one complete thread was
executed after the other. However, even with green threads they appear
to execute concurrently although no two threads can simultaneously be
4 - Native threads are used in Jruby, and in Ruby 1.9 YARV

JRuby yes. I am not sure about 1.9 - I believe native threads are not
yet completely supported there.
5 - If you use ruby threads, each thread shares the memory space of
all the others.

This is true for both thread models. Actually this is one of the core
differences between threads and processes: since multiple threads can
use the same process space they automatically share memory. Processes
are separate by default and can only share memory explicitly via
operating system specific means.
Hopefully I hit on all the major points that were made.

Not exactly but for the most part. :)
It looks like
forking is what I'm looking for in my use case:

- I want sandboxing for each 'thread'
- I don't want one 'thread' to block another

Thanks for the discussion guys. Seems like there is more to be
learned though.

I always recommend Doug Lea's book - although it specifically deals with
Java I find the general mechanisms very well explained - and those apply
to other PL as well.

Kind regards


Charles Oliver Nutter

Robert said:
JRuby yes. I am not sure about 1.9 - I believe native threads are not
yet completely supported there.

Ruby 1.9's threads are native, but they are not allowed to run in
parallel because most of the core structures in Ruby are not thread-safe
(as in kernel-level thread safe).

- Charlie

Iñaki Baz Castillo

El Mi=C3=A9rcoles, 2 de Julio de 2008, Charles Oliver Nutter escribi=C3=B3:
Ruby 1.9's threads are native, but they are not allowed to run in
parallel because most of the core structures in Ruby are not thread-safe
(as in kernel-level thread safe).

AFAIK one of the advantages of green threads is that they are a bit faster.=
What is the purpose of native threads in Ruby 1.9 if they cannot run in=20

I=C3=B1aki Baz Castillo

Charles Oliver Nutter

Iñaki Baz Castillo said:
El Miércoles, 2 de Julio de 2008, Charles Oliver Nutter escribió:

AFAIK one of the advantages of green threads is that they are a bit faster.
What is the purpose of native threads in Ruby 1.9 if they cannot run in

I think there are several, but one I know of is that it simplifies the
logic required to block on IO without blocking other threads, since you
can just let another thread get scheduled (essentially unlock/lock GIL
around the blocking IO). I'm not sure if they actually made that change

Actually, it's probably more of a stepping stone toward full native,
parallel threads.

And green threads are no faster than regular threads, but are often
cheaper to create.

- Charlie

Sam Roberts

Of course that's mostly a factor of Ruby's rather simplistic thread
scheduling, which has a 10ms timeslice and a fairly basic selection
algorithm. Obviously OS scheduling will be better/more advanced, but that
applies equally well to native threads (like in JRuby).

Reminds me of the last time I looked at ruby's thread scheduling,
every wakeup from select() caused a traversal of the entire list of
threads to see if any were blocked on #sleep(). This has horrid
performance characteristics for large numbers of threads doing
periodic actions.

Rewriting code to be single-threaded, and keeping a priority queue of
waiting actions solved my apps performance problem, but also made the
point that the OS works very hard to have good scheduling behaviour
for threads under wide usage patterns, whereas ruby's scheduler just
gets the job done.


Robert Klemme

2008/7/3 Charles Oliver Nutter said:
Actually, it's probably more of a stepping stone toward full native,
parallel threads.

That's what I believe, too.
And green threads are no faster than regular threads, but are often cheaper
to create.

But these days overhead of OS thread creation is negligible. I did
some tests with a Java 6 JVM some time ago and thread creation is
extremely fast - at least on my Windows XP box. :)



Charles Oliver Nutter

Robert said:
That's what I believe, too.

But these days overhead of OS thread creation is negligible. I did
some tests with a Java 6 JVM some time ago and thread creation is
extremely fast - at least on my Windows XP box. :)

It's fast, but it's not nothing...JRuby has a thread pool option
(-J-Djruby.thread.pool.enabled=true) that improves thread-spin-up quite
a bit. The remaining cost is just because we have heavier in-memory
structures per-thread than CRuby does, mostly for performance reasons.

Eventually I'd like to trim that down, so that pooled threads results in
almost free thread spin-up.

- Charlie

David Masover

Actually, it's probably more of a stepping stone toward full native,
parallel threads.

I really hope this is true. I've been building a threading toy that I've since
learned is an implementation (rediscovery?) of the Actor model. It's inspired
(loosely) by Erlang, but I can't bring it up with Erlang people without being
laughed out of the room by the GIL!

While mine is a hobby project, it would still be very cool if it became

Steven Parkes

but I can't bring it up with Erlang people without being=20
laughed out of the room by the GIL!

I'm not sure that makes a lot of sense ... SMP/multithreaded Erlang was =
not mainstream for a long time ... I'm not 100% sure it is now. Non-SMP =
Erlang is basically greenthreads with good threading/scheduling and good =
interprocess messaging. Until the Erlang VM(s) started supporting =
multiple threads per emulator process, they (for some definition of =
"they") pretty much sold single kernel threading as a feature ...

-----Original Message-----
From: David Masover [mailto:[email protected]]=20
Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2008 8:11 PM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: Re: Threads and Ruby

Actually, it's probably more of a stepping stone toward full native,=20
parallel threads.

I really hope this is true. I've been building a threading toy that I've =
learned is an implementation (rediscovery?) of the Actor model. It's =
(loosely) by Erlang, but I can't bring it up with Erlang people without =
laughed out of the room by the GIL!

While mine is a hobby project, it would still be very cool if it became=20

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