Alf P. Steinbach
* Pete Becker:
I don't understand. I find it in §13.5/1, but it really does seem that
it's disappeared from the grammar summary?
- Alf
And "operator" is defined in the grammar summary annex A, §A.11, as
operator: one of
new delete new[] delete[]
+ - * / % ^ & | ~
! = < > += -= *= /= %=
^= &= |= << >> >>= <<= == !=
<= >= && || ++ -- , ->* ->
() []
however, this definition seems to have been removed in the latest
draft! While still keeping the references to it, including in annex
A (definition of "token" in §A.2)!
No, it wasn't removed.
Uh, am I really looking at the very latest draft? It's titled N2315
and dated 2007-06-25. I'm too lazy to check over at the committee
No, that's not the latest. Not that it matters for this non-issue.
I don't understand. I find it in §13.5/1, but it really does seem that
it's disappeared from the grammar summary?
- Alf