Bo Persson
Tinxx skrev 2013-05-02 13:30:
Right, if you want to learn both C and C++ (and Lua), just do that.
We are just saying that learning one doesn't help much in learning the
next one, because you will also have to unlearn what you just learned.
So the order is of less importance.
Bo Persson
I think I start with learning C and play around with C calling Lua and vice versa. Maybe some DI framework for C where the configuration definition language is Lua. Might have been done a zillion times before, but it's for fun and learning and you first have to be able to walk before you want to fly. Knowing plain C is always useful, because C++ is sometimes an overkill or not the appropriate choice. Then I do some socket programming with zeromq.org first with C and later with C++. This way I can slowly fight my way up at the pace I have time in my spare time.
Right, if you want to learn both C and C++ (and Lua), just do that.
We are just saying that learning one doesn't help much in learning the
next one, because you will also have to unlearn what you just learned.
So the order is of less importance.
Bo Persson