Andrew said:
And the source code makes its divine message known through you,
its emissary in the human realm? (And I thought I had to read
the _comments_ to understand how code worked. What a fool I
It is very often a characteristic of 'good' source code (at least in
higher level languages) that the code can easily be understood by
reading the source code.
However, the last significant discussion of the Prototype.js source code
that we had here (the link, via Google groups, to that discussion is in
one of the posts in this thread) showed that the authors of Protoype.js
obviously did not understand the code they were writing (instead finding
themselves victims of code that exhibited behaviour that conformed with
their expectations by no more than coincidence (but then only on the
browsers were they had observed that behaviour)). Under those
circumstances the code itself if more informative than the comments
because an author who does not understand the code they are writing
cannot comment it in an informative way.
You're that guy who stubbornly insists that music is not a
matter of taste - who cannot suffer the fools who dare to
question the status of Rush's _Fly By Night_ as the best
album of all time in any genre. These philistines! They ply
their ears with the bleating of musical sheep!
I didn't think that was an appeal to authority, more of an appeal to
bulk, in some sens.
You call foul for a logical fallacy against someone who was
rebutting your claim that two immensely popular JavaScript
libraries are "junk"?
That wasn't a rebuttal, more of an excuse for using the code regardless
of any informed assessment of its quality.
I count two right there: "appeal to ridicule" and "misplaced
burden of proof." You're the one asserting they're junk. The
burden of proof is yours.
Where the 'proof' is already a matter of public record, and familiar to
anyone who has any more than superficial record of participating in this
group, there is no longer any burden of proof at all.
Still, if you want examples they are just a short download away.
Downloding the latest version of Prototype.js ( I wondered how
long it would take me to find an example of something being done
sufficiently badly for that to be easily and unambiguously demonstrated.
The answer was under three seconds. During the first scroll through the
code, not even looking at most of the details, I noticed this:-
| if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit || Prototype.Browser.IE)
| Object.extend(String.prototype, {
| escapeHTML: function() {
| return this.replace(/&/g,'&')
| .replace(/</g,'<')
| .replace(/>/g,'>');
| },
| unescapeHTML: function() {
| return this.replace(/&/g,'&')
| .replace(/</g,'<')
| .replace(/>/g,'>');
| }
| });
- which is adding a couple of escaping/unescaping methods to the -
String.prototype - object based upon a condition. Seeing it I asked
myself whether the author had made the rookie mistake that every web
development novice always makes (and the thing I deliberately double
check every time I ask someone to write an escaping/unescaping function
for any purpose), and the answer was a very obvious "yes they have".
One of the arguments paraded in favour of these libraries is that they
are examined, worked on and used by very large numbers of people, and so
they should be of reasonably high quality because with many eyes looking
at the code obvious mistakes should not go unnoticed. My experience of
looking at code from the various 'popular' libraries suggests that this
is a fallacy, because (with the exception of YUI (for obvious reasons))
all of the 'popular' library contain numerous obviously stupid mistakes.
The problem probably being that it does not matter how many people may
look at, review or use, any particular piece of code, if none of them
understand what they are doing none of them are capable of spotting the
obvious mistakes.
In this case we have a very obviously stupid use of user agent string
based browser detection to make a decision that would be more logically
made with feature detection. That is, the attempt is to add two methods
to the - String.prototype - in environments were those methods do not
already exist. Obvioulsy the is a one-to-one relationship between -
String.prototype.escapeHTML - having trueness and an environment where
a - String.prototype.escapeHTML - has been implemented. While the
relationship between a user agent sting an a -
String.prototype.escapeHTML - method is at best tenuous, and certainly
not guaranteed to be comprehensive or continuous over time.
But that is not the rookie mistake I alluded to above. That mistake is
that the escaping and unescaping methods are not symmetrical. That is,
if you apply the second to the output of the first you will not always
end up with the character sequence you start with. I.E.:-
<script type="text/javascript">
alert('<'.escapeHTML().unescapeHTML()); //alerts "<"
alert('&lt;'.unescapeHTML().escapeHTML()) //alerts "<"
- and that is pretty bad by anyone's standards (except maybe VK's).