Too many python installations. Should i remove them all and installthe latest?

  • Thread starter Íéêüëáïò Êïýñáò
  • Start date

Íéêüëáïò Êïýñáò

Ôç ÓÜââáôï, 1 Éïõíßïõ 2013 2:55:38 ð.ì.UTC+3, ï ÷ñÞóôçò Ian Ýãñáøå:
Indeed i have comiled python 2.7 and 3.3 form source after wget and
./configure an make install
but i belive somehting is mixed up althouh python works ok.
root@nikos [/opt/python3/bin]# ls -al

root@nikos [/opt/python3/bin]# make help
make: *** No rule to make target `help'. Stop.
root@nikos [/opt/python3/bin]#
cant remove it.

The Makefile would be located in the source directory where you built

Python, not in the installation directory. But in any case, I don't

think the Python Makefile includes an uninstall option. If you want

to uninstall Python that was built from source, you need to remove the

files by hand.

Why you say i cant just yum install python3.3.2

Because CentOS 6 evidently does not provide a package for any version

of Python other than 2.6. If you want to install another version, you

will need to do it from source.

Do you think that i should have my VPS copmany to install ubuntu for me anduse apt-get install python3 ?

I think ubuntu is friendlier.

Dennis Lee Bieber

I'am using CentOS v6.4 on my VPS and hence 'yum' install manager and i just tried:

root@nikos [~]# which python
root@nikos [~]# which python3
root@nikos [~]# which python3.3
root@nikos [~]#

I'd be concerned that those 3/3.3 entries are showing up in a 2.7
installation directory!

Other than that, I'd see if some of those of softlinks (or even
hardlinks) to another... That is: /usr/bin/python maybe links to your
python3.3, and your python3 also links to the python3.3 -- meaning you
really only have one Python in the 3.x branch (you didn't check for 2.x)


I believe that indicates that his 'ls' is aliased to 'ls --classify',
which puts * after executables (and / after directories, and @ after
symlinks, also a few others). Not a problem.

Ah, old skool. I have seen that before now that you mention it. Thanks
for the correction.
I knew I didn't have all the answers, but felt that I'd try some pig
wrestling anyway.

Chris Angelico

Ôç ÓÜââáôï, 1 Éïõíßïõ 2013 2:55:38 ð.ì. UTC+3, ï ÷ñÞóôçò Ian Ýãñáøå:
[ snip lots of double-spaced quoted text ]

Do you think that i should have my VPS copmany to install ubuntu for me and use apt-get install python3 ?

I think ubuntu is friendlier.

Probably friendlier than humans will be, considering that Ubuntu
doesn't complain about careless use of Google Groups.

Why not try making your own administrative decisions, rather than
expecting other people to validate you? Are you that short on
confidence that you need someone to say "Yes yes, you're doing the
right thing" and pat you on the back?


Chris Angelico

Ah, old skool. I have seen that before now that you mention it. Thanks
for the correction.
I knew I didn't have all the answers, but felt that I'd try some pig
wrestling anyway.

Yeah. I know that particular one because I have l aliased to ls -CF
(aka --columns --classify), mainly because it came that way as a
commented-out entry in my first Debian. Have since become quite
accustomed to it; to me, 'l' means 'look' (I do love my MUDs), so I'm
considering aliasing 'gl' to 'pwd' so that I can 'glance' too :)

Hmm. What other MUD commands have obvious Unix equivalents?

say --> echo
emote --> python -c
attack --> sudo rm -f


Michael Torrie

please tell me how to unistall python 2.6 and just keep 2.7
and install 3.3.2 please uisng yum.

Python 2.6 is required for CentOS to function. You simply cannot remove
it. You can't replace it with 2.7 either. You can install 2.7
alongside it if you want (seems like you have).

Íéêüëáïò Êïýñáò

Τη Σάββατο, 1 Ιουνίου 2013 3:15:22 Ï€.μ. UTC+3, ο χÏήστης Dennis Lee Bieber έγÏαψε:
On Fri, 31 May 2013 08:20:54 -0700 (PDT), �������� ������

<[email protected]> declaimed the following in


I'am using CentOS v6.4 on my VPS and hence 'yum' install manager and i just tried:

root@nikos [~]# which python

root@nikos [~]# which python3

root@nikos [~]# which python3.3

root@nikos [~]#

I'd be concerned that those 3/3.3 entries are showing up in a 2.7

installation directory!

Other than that, I'd see if some of those of softlinks (or even

hardlinks) to another... That is: /usr/bin/python maybe links to your

python3.3, and your python3 also links to the python3.3 -- meaning you

really only have one Python in the 3.x branch (you didn't check for 2.x)


Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN

(e-mail address removed) HTTP://

Thats exactly my thoughts.
Can you please tell me HOW TO GET RID OF ALL PYTHON SETUPS except 2.6 that is needed for system core and then just install 3.3.2?

also why cant i install 3.3.2 using yum. if i could instead of building from source then i wouldn't have this installed mess but i could simply
yum remove python*

Chris Angelico

Can you please tell me HOW TO GET RID OF ALL PYTHON SETUPS except 2.6 that is needed for system core and then just install 3.3.2?

Nuke the hard drive from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
also why cant i install 3.3.2 using yum. if i could instead of building from source then i wouldn't have this installed mess but i could simply
yum remove python*

That would require that the repo have a 3.3.2 build in it. I don't
know the Red Hat / CentOS policies there, but I know Debian stable
wouldn't have anything so new - it takes time to test things.


Íéêüëáïò Êïýñáò

Ôç ÓÜââáôï, 1 Éïõíßïõ 2013 9:18:26 ð.ì.UTC+3, ï ÷ñÞóôçò Chris Angelico Ýãñáøå:
That would require that the repo have a 3.3.2 build in it. I don't
know the Red Hat / CentOS policies there, but I know Debian stable
wouldn't have anything so new - it takes time to test things.

Is there a way to change to some repo that contain the latest python 3.3.2 to yo yum it?

Do you advise me to have the peple that iam paiding the VPS to switch me from CentOS 6.4 to ubuntu or even better debian?

Chris Angelico

Ôç ÓÜââáôï, 1 Éïõíßïõ 2013 9:18:26 ð.ì. UTC+3, ï ÷ñÞóôçò Chris Angelico Ýãñáøå:

Is there a way to change to some repo that contain the latest python 3.3.2 to yo yum it?

Do you advise me to have the peple that iam paiding the VPS to switch me from CentOS 6.4 to ubuntu or even better debian?

I advise you to follow the recommendations of the Matrix Oracle and
make up <rest of quote elided>.


Cameron Simpson

| Τη Σάββατο, 1 Ιουνίου 2013 9:18:26 Ï€.μ. UTC+3, ο χÏήστης Chris Angelico έγÏαψε:
| > That would require that the repo have a 3.3.2 build in it. I don't
| > know the Red Hat / CentOS policies there, but I know Debian stable
| > wouldn't have anything so new - it takes time to test things.
| Is there a way to change to some repo that contain the latest python 3.3.2 to yo yum it?

I asked Google:

extra yum repositories for centos

and it pointed me at:

Probably one of these has Python 3. Or build it from source; it's not hard.

Íéêüëáïò Êïýñáò

Ôç ÓÜââáôï, 1 Éïõíßïõ 2013 11:21:14 ð.ì.. UTC+3, ï ÷ñÞóôçò Cameron Simpson Ýãñáøå:
| Ôç ÓÜââáôï, 1 Éïõíßïõ 2013 9:18:26 ð.ì. UTC+3, ï ÷ñÞóôçò Chris Angelico Ýãñáøå:

| > That would require that the repo have a 3.3.2 build in it. I don't

| > know the Red Hat / CentOS policies there, but I know Debian stable

| > wouldn't have anything so new - it takes time to test things.


| Is there a way to change to some repo that contain the latest python 3.3.2 to yo yum it?

I asked Google:

extra yum repositories for centos

and it pointed me at:

Probably one of these has Python 3. Or build it from source; it's not hard.

Should i chnage form CentoOS 6.4 to ubuntu by your opinion?

Cameron Simpson

| Τη Σάββατο, 1 Ιουνίου 2013 11:21:14 Ï€.μ. UTC+3, ο χÏήστης Cameron Simpson έγÏαψε:
| > | Τη Σάββατο, 1 Ιουνίου 2013 9:18:26 Ï€.μ. UTC+3, οχÏήστης Chris Angelico έγÏαψε:
| > | > That would require that the repo have a 3.3.2 build in it. I don't
| > | > know the Red Hat / CentOS policies there, but I know Debian stable
| > | > wouldn't have anything so new - it takes time to test things.
| > |
| > | Is there a way to change to some repo that contain the latest python 3.3.2 to yo yum it?
| >
| > I asked Google:
| > extra yum repositories for centos
| > and it pointed me at:
| >
| >
| > Probably one of these has Python 3. Or build it from source; it's not hard.
| Should i chnage form CentoOS 6.4 to ubuntu by your opinion?

No. Just sort it out on CentOS. Try the extra repos. Get Python 3
from one (I'm not sure why you think your current Python 3 install
is a problem anyway, though).

You're already slightly familiar with CentOS. Switching distros
will just cause more pain. Fix your actual problems first.

This is not a recommendation one way or another re CentOS versus
Ubunutu; it is a recommendation not to change without a better reason.

Chris Angelico

This is not a recommendation one way or another re CentOS versus
Ubunutu; it is a recommendation not to change without a better reason.

Agreed. I happen to like Debian-family Linuxes, having spent most of
my Linux time on either Ubuntu or Debian (and am now happy with Debian
Wheezy on most of my computers), but there's really no point jumping
ship randomly. I'm saying this for the archive only, though. Nikos
just needs to learn the skill of figuring out where his problems
really are.


Michael Torrie

Ôç ÓÜââáôï, 1 Éïõíßïõ 2013 9:18:26 ð.ì. UTC+3, ï ÷ñÞóôçò Chris
Angelico Ýãñáøå:

Is there a way to change to some repo that contain the latest python
3.3.2 to yo yum it?

Let me brutally blunt here, nick: have you googled for the answer or
are you just expecting us to do all your research for you?

I googled for this out of curiousity and found at least one third-party
repo that did have Python 3.3.x in it for CentOS/RHEL 6.4. I'll give
you a free hint about finding it: sometimes you have to add RHEL to the
search term as well as CentOS, since CentOS is a free clone of RHEL.
From now on, Íéêüëáïò, before asking a question like this on this list,
please state what google search terms you used, what you found, and why
the google searches did not turn up the information you seek.


Why so many pythons in my system.

Because _you_ installed them. And we _know_ this because you've posted
multiple threads relating to your problems with _your_ installations
of Python 3. Even more entertainingly:
root@nikos [~]# which python3

You seem to have installed python3 inside of a local copy of
python2.7. Awesomely professional webhosting service you're providing
root@nikos [~]# python3
Python 3.3.0 (default, Apr 6 2013, 01:53:31)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
root@nikos [~]# python3.3
Python 3.3.0 (default, Apr 6 2013, 01:53:31)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Did you _really_ need to post this? Was it to have us confirm they
_are_ the same versions?
did i screwed up my remote VPS which i host 10 peoples webpages?

server that is a mirror of your production on which you can _safely_
flail around ignorantly without _costing your customers_ in lost time
or data. They're sure as hell should _not_ be paying you to learn
Python badly.

Chris Angelico

who --> who
tell --> write
alias --> ln
look --> cat
go --> cd
teleport --> pushd/popd ?

I don't use an explicit 'go' though, I usually just type 'n' to go
north, or 'booth1' to go booth1. Unfortunately that doesn't translate
well into a simple alias :)

Hey, if you like MUDs, why not come play D&D with us?
port 221 - always looking for new players!


Joshua Landau

I don't use an explicit 'go' though, I usually just type 'n' to go
north, or 'booth1' to go booth1. Unfortunately that doesn't translate
well into a simple alias :)

What shell do you use? Zsh supports this (implicit cd). I don't have
it active because it's not that useful - you get better completion
with explicit cd - but it exists.


Τη ΔευτέÏα, 3 Ιουνίου 2013 6:18:43 Ï€.μ. UTC+3, ο χÏήστης Chris Angelico έγÏαψε:

Hey, if you like MUDs, why not come play D&D with us?
port 221 - always looking for new players!

I am a fanatic hess player.
You can find me on FICS under the handle 'NikosGr'.
I challenge you! :)


Τη ΔευτέÏα, 3 Ιουνίου 2013 5:35:46 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χÏήστης Walter Hurry έγÏαψε:
Between the keyboard and the chair, obv.

Maybe you should tell us how you find out yours.

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