If he did, then he must have changed his mind, because there is nothing
ugly about the ternary operator we ended up with.
That is a question of taste and the poll and discussion earlier made it clear
that this was not the preferred way to have a ternary operator. This form
only ranked fourth (or maybe third), with the first three all wanting ar
structure with the elelement is this order: condition, true case, false case
Guido has alwasys been
against a ternary operator but the requests kept coming. So eventually
he introduced one. But the impression is that he chose an ugly format in
the hope of discouraging people to use it.
That's sheer and unadulterated nonsense. The fact is that Guido changed
his mind about ternary if after discovering that the work-around
true-clause and condition or false-clause
is buggy -- it gives the wrong answer if true-clause happens to be a
false value like [], 0 or None. If I recall correctly, the bug bit Guido
Nonsense. That the work around was buggy was known years before the
ternary operator was finally introduced. The introduction of list
comprehension made a ternary operator that more usefull but every
time it came up the supporters of Guido, told us we just had to
define a function if we wanted the items to depend on a condition.
And we knew about the problem, that is why we discussed bug-free
alternatives like:
condition and [true-expr] or [false-expr][0]
condition and (lambda: true-expr) or (lambda: false-expr)()
The and-or hack, which was *very* common in Python code for many years
and many versions, follows the same pattern as ternary if:
true-clause if condition else false-clause
No it doesn't. the and-or-hack follows the same pattern as the if
condition, true clause, else clause
It astounds me how the Python community changed it's collective mind from
admiration of the elegance and simplicity of the expression when it was a
buggy hack, to despising it when it became a bug-free language feature.
It seems that what changed is your memory and not the collective mind of
the python community.
We had an if statement and a (buggy) hack that followed the same pattern.
An earlier discussion and poll had revealed that people n general preferredr
to keep that pattern in a conditional expression. So why should you be
surprised when people express that they would have preferred a conditional
expression with a different pattern than we have now.