Hilary Bailey
This is my second attempt to understand Ruby. I completely read 1)
"Beginning Ruby- From Novice to Professional (which to me is a
completely waste of time), 2) The Pragmatic approach to Ruby (which is
incomplete)3)Ruby in 20 minutes, 4)other 15 to 20 minutes cute intro
programs 5) Shoes and now 6)The Book of Ruby by Huw Collingourne, which
seems like a bible without a compiler, which may be totally useless.
Is there anyone out there that could make my experience to Ruby
practical and meaningful? As noted previously, I am a school teacher
trying to create an education database software for administrators and
teachers which will hold educational institutions accountable for the
performance of their school district. My only programming experience is
the confusion I had trying to read and comprehend the above sources that
do not offer a stable compiler or the appropriate programs that will go
hand in hand with their book or resource for Ruby.
Is there a free compiler and other supporting software that I can use to
make my so far miserable learning Ruby experience worth a while? So far
I am still sold on the idea that Ruby is the programing language to
know, but at this moment I really need HELP.
Tk in advance,
"Beginning Ruby- From Novice to Professional (which to me is a
completely waste of time), 2) The Pragmatic approach to Ruby (which is
incomplete)3)Ruby in 20 minutes, 4)other 15 to 20 minutes cute intro
programs 5) Shoes and now 6)The Book of Ruby by Huw Collingourne, which
seems like a bible without a compiler, which may be totally useless.
Is there anyone out there that could make my experience to Ruby
practical and meaningful? As noted previously, I am a school teacher
trying to create an education database software for administrators and
teachers which will hold educational institutions accountable for the
performance of their school district. My only programming experience is
the confusion I had trying to read and comprehend the above sources that
do not offer a stable compiler or the appropriate programs that will go
hand in hand with their book or resource for Ruby.
Is there a free compiler and other supporting software that I can use to
make my so far miserable learning Ruby experience worth a while? So far
I am still sold on the idea that Ruby is the programing language to
know, but at this moment I really need HELP.
Tk in advance,