Robert Klemme
What I want to create is a database that can measure the performance of
all entities in a school district. The closest software that exhibits
some semblance is that of Microsoft Access. Where, as I understand it,
the input entry of a single data can be housed and then derived, through
a set of queries, then further analyzed =A0through/by Microsoft Solver
Microsoft Access gives you a database with application code in a
single file. You can even have a GUI to enter data. This is very
convenient for small applications. However, it's best when used by a
single person at a time - it's concurrency facilities are somewhat
limited - at least that's what it was last time I checked. It would
seem that you could cook something similar with Open Office (or Libre
Office) Base which has the advantage not to be tied into Microsoft
OS's. If you need something that can be used by multiple users
concurrently chances are that Access is not the best choice.
The difference with my proposal would be that based on selected
indicators [which will be dynamically influenced by changed event(s) and
policy(ies], which would be able to measure success. I have been exposed
to a statistical software named SPSS and having worked as an economist,
has influenced my outlook on creating an approach/database/software
which would indicate in real time, measured results.
What exactly does "real time" mean in your context? I figure, human
beings need to give this system some input data before it can spit out
any new information.
As you can tell, =A0there is an element of nervousness regarding saying
too much. But on the other hand, if not much is said, not much help can
be given. So it's a "catch 24", where since the last 20 years I have
been improving on a systems that would be able to measure defined
academic output, vis-a-vis, financial constraints etc..
What does "system" exactly mean here? Is it a mathematical model that
you want to implement in software? Is it a software system that you
need to improve / extend?
Mike Stephens recommended Mendix as a possible solution to my woes. Do
you know of such arena?
Therefore, I figured that, doing it all by myself may be the best
solution. =A0However, some of my concerns are: "Why reinvent the wheel?',
Good question. It's usually a bad idea.
How can I create a sustainable system that does not compromise quality?,
What curriculum structure should I follow that will meet my needs
without, straying from my goals?
Therefore, this is my dilemma, which seems to be going in circles. Any
Clarify your requirements *first*. Write down a list of things that
your system needs to do, e.g. things like "someone in every school in
the district needs to be able to enter course grades" or "I want to be
notified immediately if some metric X changes". Then we can start
about thinking how such a solution might look like and finally we can
help you develop a curriculum for your training so you can build what
you want. I do assume though that it will take you in the order of
months to arrive there if you do not have an IT background.
Kind regards
remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end